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TES3 Session 99 October 21, 1964 15/82 (18%) cellar vessel Tubbs furnace collaborate
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 99 October 21, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(In an effort to further clear up Seth’s rather involved interpretation of Jane’s dream of September 7, I made it a point to ask Jane just before the session was due tonight about the statement Seth-Jane had made on page 46, involving Jane’s friend, Marie Tubbs, in childbirth. Marie wrote Jane on October 11 that she has not given birth for two years, and Seth dealt with what looked like a discrepancy between the two sets of facts to a partial degree in the 98th session. See pages 74-75.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(John Bradley, of Williamsport, PA, who has witnessed several sessions, stopped by this afternoon on his regular rounds, but could not stay for the session this evening. Affairs involving John’s work with Searle, the drug firm, are more or less quiet and uneventful, John reported. Seth has dealt with the machinations below the surface at Searle in various sessions. John now feels also that things are percolating below the surface, and he requested Jane and I find out what we could about the current state of affairs involving Searle, from Seth tonight.

(Jane had a rather unexpected opportunity, also, to verify Seth’s diagnosis of the nodule on her left wrist yesterday afternoon. While on a walk to a neighborhood store she was given a ride by our family doctor. Sam Levine told her the nodule was harmless, the result of an injury, and called it a ganglion. He told her to leave it alone, saying it was protective and would probably disappear by itself. See Seth’s diagnosis on page 77. Needless to say, Jane was pleased that Seth was verified.

(Also while on this walk, Jane had the thought that death approaches a personality when the personality becomes less and less able to focus his energies fully on this plane, when he can no longer control his physical image as well as in the past. She thought Seth might discuss this subject this evening.

(Jane began the session with a smile. Her voice was at a normal pitch, her pacing regular, her speed of dictation normal. Once again she began without her glasses, and her eyes were dark as usual.)

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:30. Jane was quite well dissociated, she said. Her delivery had become quite energetic. She said she felt as though she was listening to someone else speak, but could not retain what she heard, nor did she know what was coming next.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 10:02. Jane was dissociated as usual. Again she put her glasses on during break, only to remove them as soon as break was over. She resumed in the same manner at 10:12.)

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

(True. Jane and Marie went through high school together. Both girls were interested in writing more than motherhood. Through the years I have heard Jane wonder aloud, many times, about the fact that Marie decided to have children, rather than place her emphasis on writing, as Jane chose to.

(For the data given by Seth on Jane’s dreams, see the 87th, 93rd, 98th sessions, as well as this one.)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(Still quite amused, Jane pointed to a kind of barrier arrangement of bookcases that we had set up, to shield the table at which Jane writes from the rest of the room. She had said it gave her a sheltered feeling that she appeared to need.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Again Jane laughed, and indicated the bookcase barrier.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(End at 11:11. Jane was dissociated as usual. Many months ago Seth had suggested putting the head of our bed to the north, without going into much detail as to reasons. He referred above to a question and answer session because I had mentioned the idea to Jane earlier in the day. We plan to work up a list of questions. The furnace reference concerns Jane’s manual operation today of the usually automatic gas heating plant in the house, after the thermostat developed some as yet undiagnosed trouble. In connection with the bed data, Jane has been mentioning for some time now that she has a vague soreness of the ribs on her left side.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The following psychological time notes and related material are taken from Jane’s notebook:

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(On October 21, last Wednesday during the session, a remark I made led Jane to recall that on the night before she had had a dream involving a washing machine that leaked and flooded; she told me that she was not sure whether it was the automatic washer in the cellar of the apartment house or not. I wrote it down as a matter of routine.

(Last night, the washing machine in the cellar sprang a leak, a pipe rupturing, and flooded the cellar. Our water was cold this morning. Inspecting the cellar after breakfast, Jane discovered a foot of water there, and of course immediately called the landlord.)

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