1 result for (book:tes3 AND session:98 AND stemmed:statement)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(After this session Jane wrote to Marie in an effort to verify the above statement. The two women have not seen each other for some years, but maintain a desultory correspondence. In her reply, dated October 11, Marie told Jane that she has not been involved in childbirth for two years. She did say that in July she had been on a cruise to Bermuda, in which she, her husband and friends had been on or near the water for about ten days. And at the time of Jane’s dream, Marie said, hurricane Cleo had been descending upon them at Boynton Beach, and “we had plenty of water around then during the storm. It went right through here.”
[... 22 paragraphs ...]
(The last few paragraphs of the above material we thought to be an elaboration of Seth’s rather cryptic statement in the 97th session, page 72, to the effect that in some respects all planes or fields of existence are indeed by-products of others.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
The formation on the wrist is not arthritic. You may repeat the statement for him to read. I have told him that he will not develop arthritis.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
Nevertheless, because the patient is in a condition where he is most susceptible to suggestions, a great responsibility lies upon the shoulders of those who would treat illness. The chiropractor’s suggestion that the irritation was an arthritic one was made positively; that is, without thinking he stated “Oh yes, that is not normal at all, it is an arthritic nodule.” Later, realizing that the suggestion had been a poor one, and moreover one of which he was not certain, he amended the statement, adding that such a formation could also be the result of injury or simple irritation to the joint.
[... 26 paragraphs ...]