1 result for (book:tes3 AND session:95 AND stemmed:free)
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(At 8:15 PM John Bradley arrived to be a witness. John has witnessed several sessions; with him he brought the first carbon of Volume 1 of the Seth material, which he has been reading. This consists of the first 38 sessions. John now had for us questions on beginnings and endings, inner reality, the inner senses, etc. John is also an indefatigable worker at finding people who are willing to devote free time to typing up extra copies of the material, and he had news for us on this score also. Needless to say Jane and I have been lax in this field, and we are most grateful to John for his efforts.
[... 36 paragraphs ...]
(John and Bill, Jane and I engaged in a discussion of free will, and in an effort to make some points I was sure the material covered I again became aware of something that was becoming more obvious all the time: namely, that the material has now reached such a length, and has gone into so many subjects, some lightly and others deeply, that I for one can no longer keep all of it on prompt recall.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
The personality is on its own, with what you may call the power of self-determination and free will. If you had thoroughly remembered our material on value fulfillment, you would know that the only detriment to so-called free will is the built-in necessity for value fulfillment. The personality must gain experience, in other words, on a particular level of existence, on which or within which it operates, and it cannot choose otherwise. It must experience existence on the particular level on which it has been projected.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
A child is not completely materialized upon your plane, nor is he oriented. A personality may refuse to gain such experience before actual birth upon your plane. This necessity for value fulfillment through experience upon a particular existence plane, is the only detriment, if you wish to think of it that way, to free will.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
The father does not negate the reality of, say, the artist. The father does not rob the artist of free will, nor does the entity rob the personality of free will. It is the personality who makes the choices. The entity may not either aid or prevent any choice that the personality may make. The entity may not like any particular choice made by the personality, but he, the entity, cannot change the course that the personality chooses to take.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Now. What you call karma has meaning only in basic terms within your particular plane. I do not want to get too complicated. Nevertheless personalities on your plane work out individual problems within that plane through various existences. Here we have also free will, but a continuity so to speak of purposes. No purpose is forced upon any personality. He, the personality, adopts in various reincarnations upon your plane those purposes most in keeping with his own needs. And for Mark’s sake may I say that levels of existence do not necessarily imply higher or lower levels, but concentric levels, even as the layers of the subconscious do not imply upper and lower levels, but are merely terms used for the sake of simplicity.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]