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TES3 Session 94 October 5, 1964 5/81 (6%) vessel leaking lad Loren pajamas
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 94 October 5, 1964 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

A study or investigation of inner reality was not the purpose of the intellect. The intellect, again, was also and is a means by which the inner self relates itself to the camouflage physical universe which it has itself constructed.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The investigation of dreams, then, must be accomplished in or on a subconscious level. In order to study dreams properly you must indeed immerse yourself in that medium in which dreams occur. The intense but limited focus of usual consciousness will itself distort the true nature of dreams, and the ego will hold any such conscious examination of dreams within rigid bonds.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Hypnosis is one method of examining dreams. Our method is perhaps the best one. The inner self constantly changes its focus. I have said that consciousness is merely the direction in which the inner self focuses at any particular time. In order to examine the reality of dreams it is necessary to change the focus of the inner self to those directions in which the inner self moves, when the ego does not limit its scope to camouflage reality only.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

They will indeed burst through, or appear through, into the egotistical consciousness if given the opportunity; but the egotistical consciousness cannot go after them. The ego will always erect defenses, but intuitional understanding has always been able to pierce such defenses.

In the interpretation of your dreams then Joseph, as with Ruburt’s, we must change our focus, for what appears as a logical interpretation through conscious examination is often distorted.

[... 50 paragraphs ...]

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