1 result for (book:tes3 AND session:93 AND stemmed:ruburt)
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Due congratulations to Ruburt on the sale of his painting.
[... 31 paragraphs ...]
Our friend Ruburt prides himself that his conscious self, before the sessions began, started a book called The Physical Universe as Idea Construction. Ha ha, did he really now?
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
I will end the session shortly, after mentioning briefly an example of how various levels of the subconscious interpret a symbol. We will take Ruburt’s dream that we have already interpreted on some levels, and one symbol only, that of a tub, t-u-b.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
The tub was the unifying symbol of the dream, interpreted by the various levels of the subconscious. On the most superficial level, dreaming Ruburt thought “One day I shall be an old tub,” meaning an old worn-out vessel. This having to do with the disappearance of early youth, and having superficial meaning to the surface female personality.
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The connection picked up again. The past administrator of the gallery was known to you in that life, and was a passenger on the same ship. Here Ruburt was led backward to the first level momentarily, being reassured, saying “I will not be the old tub, she was and is,” therefore on a surface level overcoming jealousy because the former administrator spent so much money on clothes and appearance.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Ruburt knew he could look better if he spent half the time and effort, but was jealous anyway. So here the symbols coincided. He obtained subconscious information concerning your past life, the one symbol of the tub serving three purposes. It gave him information, it helped overcome his jealousy, and it was a transition from surface significance to deeper knowledge.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
I will then wish you both a fond good evening, with the remark that Ruburt will make more this year through writing than he would have at the gallery. And if your poor Professor Von Jamesson appears at your door, do not be surprised. Be very kind and considerate, and say no to anything he may suggest.
[... 19 paragraphs ...]