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TES3 Session 86 September 9, 1964 8/47 (17%) enclosure copper tube September incense
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 86 September 9, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

The system or the mental enclosure, again, is only closed comparatively speaking. An endeavor is made to close one opening from one plane, and keep the alternate or inner communication channel open. As an analogy here, the conscious ego could be said to exist within this copper tube, located at approximately its center.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

This end would then represent the extension of the self outward toward the physical universe. This extension, as I have mentioned, is theoretically endless. The world of inner reality would then be imagined as existing at the other end of this tube. And in the same manner that one end of the tube would represent the extension of the self into the world of physical reality, then so too would the other end of this tube represent the extension of the self into the inner world of reality.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now using the analogy again, in our mental enclosure we attempt to close off this channel of communication with the outer universe. So. This end we leave open.

Now this is what you attempt when you experiment with psychological time, when your communication comes through the inner rather than the outer senses. And all living consciousnesses initially enter your plane of awareness by route of such a mental enclosure.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Extension of energy must have contraction as an after effect, and contraction will lead to extension. Therefore, if you begin in an attempt to contract your consciousness and energy, in the hopes of attaining communication with inner reality, then indeed will your consciousness, closed and contracted like a tight fist, open and expand. And if you seek to communicate by expansion of consciousness, then will this expansion come crushing and closing upon itself.

The end can be achieved in either manner. Concentration upon one minute, limited, contracted object will result in consciousness expansion, for have I not said that within even the molecule and atom there exists capsule comprehension?

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

There are some good reasons for this. The outside distractions from the street, for the first time it seems, are keeping Ruburt at a level of consciousness which is not quite adequate for my delivery of the discussion that I had in mind.

It may be significant that such distractions did not bother him until he read that they were supposed to. There is a reason also in that a deeper state of consciousness is sometimes needed when the upper level of his subconscious is concerned, as it still is since he gave notice at the gallery.

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

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