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TES3 Session 142 March 22, 1965 14/62 (23%) selves outthrust action Trainor self
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 142 March 22, 1965 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Neither Jane or I felt well, but we also didn’t want to dispense with the session unless we had to, or Seth decided to.

(Jane began at 9:02. She spoke while sitting down and with her eyes closed, as usual, and in a quiet voice. Her delivery was broken by pauses, also as usual.)

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:27. Jane was well dissociated. She said she started “feeling things” again toward the end, when Seth began to talk about the entity. It was something concerning what it was like to be an entity, yet so vague it couldn’t be put into words, really.

(Jane resumed in a slightly stronger voice, and a faster rate, at 9:35.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Jane had been delivering the above paragraph with many pauses. I now began to sneeze, without warning. Jane sat quietly, waiting for me to stop. Her eyes remained closed, and she rocked back and forth gently. My sneezing certainly constituted an interruption of sorts, yet Jane’s reaction to this was placid, her trance state unbroken. Had someone pounded on the door abruptly and broken Jane’s state she would have been painfully aware of it.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 10:09. Jane was dissociated as usual. She did not remember the material, and delivered it with many pauses intermingled, some of them quite long. Both of us felt much better than when the session began.

(I might add here that my arbitrary designation of an average pause on Jane’s part might run to perhaps ten seconds. A long or very long pause thus would run twenty or thirty seconds. These are not rare. As said before, while in the state Jane is not aware of the pauses; as far as she is concerned they might as well not exist; or conversely, they could be an hour long.

(Jane resumed at a faster pace and in a louder voice at 10:22.)

[... 13 paragraphs ...]

(End at 10:45. Jane was well dissociated. This last delivery was much more rapid. Jane said she felt carried away, as she had been in the Father Trainor episode. See pages 261-63. This took place on February 11, 1965. During this experiment, while reading some poetry aloud that the now-dead Father Trainor had often read to her when she was in high school, Jane’s voice had taken on an enormous male volume and strength. To me it had sounded alien. Jane said it was Father Trainor’s voice, at times, or a close approximation. I can only say it was not the Seth voice; I had never known Father Trainor.

(Jane said that tonight her voice felt as though it was being projected out of her as she dictated, that she was swept along by energy other than her own, “like a sail filled with wind.” The voice was all around her, she said, yet she had no sense of invasion. She was very pleased at recognizing the feeling of the Father Trainor episode. She felt supported, like flying, yet not disembodied.

(Jane also said she wasn’t sure the session was over. I had asked for its end in order to spare her fatigue, as a matter of routine. She barely had time to give me the above information, when she sat down again, resumed her trance state, and began dictating. 10:48.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(End at 10:49. Jane again was well dissociated, and her voice was, briefly, loud and strong. She has manifested few voice changes since she began to speak while seated, and with her eyes closed.

(Jane said that as soon as she resumed her seat she felt carried away. She entered the state more rapidly than she would like. Also, the end came so quickly that she found herself groping briefly, in an effort to “put herself together again.” The experience made her uneasy.

(Jane said she believes Seth is using these experiences, within the experience of the session itself, as a compensation for the psychological time experiments he has requested her to abandon for a while. It will be remembered that in the 140th session Seth stated that at times Jane would advance “too fast, too soon”, with her own experiments. She speculated that these recent experiments within experiences were Seth’s ideas re a more controlled approach.)

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