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TES3 Session 140 March 15, 1965 10/30 (33%) psy caution pigeons dammed unwittingly
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 140 March 15, 1965 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(On November 4, 1964, Jane unwittingly achieved a trance state, during psychological time, that lasted for several hours. See the 103rd session. On February 8, 1965, through a combination of reading certain material and another psy-time experiment, she again put herself into a dissociated state. Seth called this one a semi-trance. See the 130th session.

(Today Jane again achieved a prolonged state that was begun during a psy-time experiment. She usually tries her experiments from 11:30 to 12:00 noon; today when I arrived home at 12:15, she mentioned that her hands felt light. This is a sign Seth said to be alert for, in the 130th session. As we ate lunch Jane finally admitted that somehow she had failed to snap out of the desired state at the regular end of her psy-time period.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(The state had lifted after supper. Both of us wanted to hold the session in order to learn what had happened. Jane felt she had unwittingly given herself improper suggestions during the experiment. She had also achieved a good state yesterday, Sunday; indeed, this was the first weekend during which she had tried psy-time, and she speculated that she had overdone it by experimenting for ten days in a row. I felt she had alerted her ego somehow, and that it was balking at going through the usual psy-time routine. This experience, Jane said, wasn’t very enjoyable, whereas the one of February 8 had been great fun. Today she had felt “half dissolved.”

(Jane did not feel overly tired as session time approached. She had no idea of the material beforehand. Once again we held the session in our small back room, and Jane spoke sitting down and with her eyes closed. Her manner was somewhat more animated than it has been lately, and her voice was deeper. She spoke at a normal rate.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(This reminded me that Jane recently remarked that when she tries psychological time now, it is the usual thing for her to achieve what she calls an “excellent” state.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Psychological experiments as whole present him with an excellent means of using his energies. However at times we must, as now, cut him down. There is a possibility that he will be tired tomorrow, although I hope not. Such a pulling of one part against the other is psychically fatiguing.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

I did indeed attempt to tell him to use caution, immediately after his last psychological time experiment. It is, of course, necessary that you learn through direct experience; and my warning you against various uncomfortable effects would not mean nearly as much if you did not, Ruburt, experience a few of them.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Perhaps we can lengthen it. However, I do not feel that Ruburt should remain in a trance state today, any longer than he already has. If our caution slows down the material, there is no need to worry about time. We have plenty of it.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

My most sincere wishes to you both. I feel your emotions also, at times. My fondness for you both grows. Remember, also, that Ruburt’s abilities are extremely promising, which is why we must be careful when and how he uses them.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(End at 9:26. Jane was not as well dissociated as she has been in recent sessions. Toward the end of the session she received a feeling, a concept, from Seth to the effect that she shouldn’t feel bad at the short session. Seth, she said, thought it “cute,” and “silly,” that we should be so concerned, when we have all the time we need to get all the information we want.)

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