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TES3 Session 137 March 3, 1965 10/48 (21%) action identity electrical perceived vitality
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 137 March 3, 1965 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

Action can never be considered apart from that which is seemingly acted upon, for action becomes a part of structure. Action begins from within, and is a result of inner vitality inherent within all realities. Some action is always present. Action itself is not a thing alone. It is not an identity. Action is a dimension of existence.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

There is no separate outside identity or force, such as “force;” the two words here are being used with different meanings. There is no separate force that causes action. All of these points are extremely important, and if I speak slowly it is to insure words as nearly correct as possible. Action is perceivable in some cases, and not in others.

Action is more like growth than force. It is a by-product of any reality, and a part of all reality. You should be able to see many implications here when you read this material over. Again, action involves more than movement, as you think of movement, for value fulfillment is action. A dream involves action. Not only the action within the dream, but the action of dreaming itself.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

This material is leading up to some future discussions, and the nature of action will be most important. Action is as valid whether the act is conscious and voluntary, or whether it occurs within a dream or within a thought. It is as much a reality either way. Again, it is not an outside force. It arises from within the inner vitality of which all camouflage is composed. To some degree it is a result of inner vitality’s attempt to completely express itself in materializations, and its inability to do so.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Discovery of these other electrical realities will explain much that previously could not be explained. All realities with which you will be concerned, and with which mankind is intimately concerned, are built up electrically. A dream is as valid an electrical reality as a lightning bolt, the difference being that the lightning bolt projects itself into your awareness through the outer senses.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Action is not affected by time as you know it. Action also takes place within the spacious present. You may, however, only perceive parts of action in your time breakdown. Ideally, psychological time experiences will allow you to perceive action more clearly and directly. The ego attempts to control action by standing apart from it. Any such division is arbitrary, and in no way affects the nature of action itself. All that changes is your perception of it.

By slowing down his perception of action, man imagines that he lengthens time. This of course is not the case. He merely succeeds in perceiving action as bits and pieces, and fights its flow. On the one hand action is indeed simultaneous, yet in it all action is contained, for it occurs within the unlimited spacious present. In dreams action is given more freedom, and allowed to flow in a less hampered fashion.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

In dreams also, where no space as you know it exists, you have complete freedom of space. When the ego gives up its hold upon what it considers control of action, then as in dreams almost any action is possible. And when the ego gives up its claim of space in a dream, all space is available.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(“All right then, I guess we’ll take a short break.”

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Remember here, however, that by action we do not necessarily mean motion as you perceive it. Action is the breath of inner vitality, of which all materializations of any kind are composed. It represents, again, the relationship between unexpressed inner vitality and materialized vitality.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

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