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TES3 Session 132 February 15, 1965 16/62 (26%) Trainor Lepanto Elegy Father summon
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 132 February 15, 1965 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

First of all, Ruburt may continue with his daily psychological time experiments. But these are to be carried on but once daily, and if he tries any other sort of experiment, such as he tried with the Father Trainor poetry session last week, then he is not to attempt his regular psychological time experiment for that day.

One half-hour a day is more than sufficient, considering these sessions. And also, I am at present against these fairly frequent sessions where, on the one hand, Ruburt pretends that he is merely resting; that is, he pretends to himself, but actually he is expanding his energies, and expending them just as quickly, for this amounts to more than one psychological time experiment daily.

You were quite correct, Joseph, in cautioning Ruburt against the poetry session the other evening. He knew this but was obstinate. It is not only a case of being obstinate, however. I have told you that it is extremely limiting to regard the ego as the complete self or personality, or to think that the ego makes up the entire identity.

The identity, indeed, is as much and more the inner self as it is the ego. This has been mentioned in the past, but Ruburt became so fearful of his own spontaneity in early life that he was more or less forced, out of fear, to deny the validity of his identity with the inner self. On some occasions, as the other evening, he spontaneously accepts this identification, particularly when alcohol acts as a depressant.

Then he dares to go forward, only then he must rush. The spontaneity is good, the lack of caution is not. The experience concerning the poetry was a legitimate one. All in all however, Ruburt did entirely too much last week.

We are dealing with delicate balances that must be maintained. With the schedule that I have suggested the inner energies are vividly and intensely focused, but for a short period of your time. This allows for an excellent utilization of the abilities already developed, and permits, again, excellent concentrated inner focus. Too many attempts at this time do not permit this brief but excellent intensification, and can lead to that peculiar semitrance state in which Ruburt found himself last week.

A complete change from intense focus outward to intense focus inward is most beneficial, but this does not mean that every few minutes found available be spent in psychological time experiments. Brisk walks should be a daily part of Ruburt’s schedule in any case, and walking also refreshes the inner self.

I do not approve of a whole day being given over to the sort of experimentation carried on by Ruburt last week in the Father Trainor sessions. In one respect I do agree with Ruburt, in that any future experiments with friends would be of better advantage carried out using chairs at a table, and actually making as few suggestions as possible.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

I quite understand Ruburt’s curiosity when Father Trainor’s voice did indeed come through, although far from perfectly. And it did represent another phase of Ruburt’s developing abilities. But these abilities must be trained. I do believe that Ruburt has learned an important lesson. As his abilities do develop, it is even more important that he take walks, and that some frequency in daily contact with others is maintained.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I am not saying that you should not talk about our sessions or allied subjects with friends, only that one night or sometimes two, of social discourse should certainly contain some more outward enjoyments. It would do Ruburt no harm either to resume his painting. His time as a rule is very busily engaged, and usually with mental work. It is all the more important therefore that his leisure have some outward aspect to it, and when possible of an active nature.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Surely you can have enjoyable evenings at home without experiments, though again at times these have their place. Our sessions themselves are always in a state of becoming. We hope to become more proficient. I do not want Ruburt to become overinvolved. I would prefer that he channels his new abilities mainly, though not exclusively, in our sessions.

As far as the sessions themselves are concerned in relation to Ruburt, your love and reinforcement are necessary; and on your part the atmosphere of confidence, which indeed you have always given him, this will allow him the greatest possible development of ability within the sessions, and of course will further the sessions themselves.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now, on session days Ruburt should rest one half-hour. I mean rest or sleep. You should both keep up your exercises. You diet has been good. I am trying to look at your situation from all angles while I am about it, to see if any other adjustments should be made.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

You have both done very well during the winter season. Your uneasy period, Joseph, or the period in which you have a tendency to become so, has passed. Our friend’s, our dear Ruburt’s, has not yet passed, which is why I am giving the suggestions now. His overall condition, however, is very good, indeed, and if my suggestions are followed I anticipate no difficulty for him. It is important he get sufficient rest, particularly now through early spring.

If possible, also vitamins from now till early spring. This for you both, incidentally. Ruburt’s uneasy period usually begins in middle January. However this year he has avoided it largely. His energies quicken however from then until early spring, and I did not want him to get into the habit of channeling them inwardly to any overbalanced degree. I think this will now be avoided.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Again, my best and most fond wishes to both of you. I do not mean to be hard with Ruburt, but I did wish to make necessary suggestions which I felt were needed now.

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

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