1 result for (book:tes3 AND session:132 AND stemmed:energi)
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
One half-hour a day is more than sufficient, considering these sessions. And also, I am at present against these fairly frequent sessions where, on the one hand, Ruburt pretends that he is merely resting; that is, he pretends to himself, but actually he is expanding his energies, and expending them just as quickly, for this amounts to more than one psychological time experiment daily.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
We are dealing with delicate balances that must be maintained. With the schedule that I have suggested the inner energies are vividly and intensely focused, but for a short period of your time. This allows for an excellent utilization of the abilities already developed, and permits, again, excellent concentrated inner focus. Too many attempts at this time do not permit this brief but excellent intensification, and can lead to that peculiar semitrance state in which Ruburt found himself last week.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
I do not mean daily social hours. Now and then experiments with guests are fine. However, his energies on weekends as a rule should be more outgoing, and I am sorry that it has been necessary to curtail your dancing activities. Going out is an excellent way of recharging energies, by contrast. Spontaneous short humorous plays, such as you sometimes do with your recorder, is an enjoyable relaxation.
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
If possible, also vitamins from now till early spring. This for you both, incidentally. Ruburt’s uneasy period usually begins in middle January. However this year he has avoided it largely. His energies quicken however from then until early spring, and I did not want him to get into the habit of channeling them inwardly to any overbalanced degree. I think this will now be avoided.
These energies now will, I believe, go into our sessions, and into his own work. And some arrangements for physical outlets will help also.
[... 23 paragraphs ...]