1 result for (book:tes3 AND session:132 AND stemmed:desir)

TES3 Session 132 February 15, 1965 1/62 (2%) Trainor Lepanto Elegy Father summon
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 132 February 15, 1965 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 42 paragraphs ...]

My very best wishes to you both. We shall have an excellent session Wednesday, when I hope to finish up some of the material which we have been discussing, at least. Even I, through you, look forward to your springtime. If now and then you ever want an additional session, under most circumstances I will agree. I do not mean extra sessions for witnesses particularly, since these sessions are open to anyone who is sincerely interested. I simply mean that if you ever feel the desire for an additional session, I would comply.

[... 18 paragraphs ...]

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