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TES3 Session 114 December 14, 1964 2/59 (3%) units particles system interrelationship transformation
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 114 December 14, 1964 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

I have told you that for various reasons all inner energy cannot be objectified within any given action. That part of the entity which does not find expression within a given system seeks it elsewhere. There is, nevertheless, a portion of individual psychic energy that resides, you may say within or behind, every physical manifestation; and this constantly seeks inventiveness in whatever direction is open to it.

[... 21 paragraphs ...]

To you they would be seen as mysterious connectors or links. Energy passes through these particles from one system to another, more or less constantly; yet they themselves, taking energy from system A, transform it into an adaptation that can be received by system B.

[... 24 paragraphs ...]

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