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TES3 Session 109 November 23, 1964 16/83 (19%) universe inwardness parallel sales regenerated
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 109 November 23, 1964 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane feels she could have had a session at about 3:30 PM, Saturday, after a rejection from Playboy arrived in the mail. The rejection slip was not accompanied by a letter and this made her angry. She thought of Seth’s statements in the 104th session, concerning a sale that “has developed,” and wondered just what the statement meant. She doubted its veracity. She then received from Seth, mentally, a firm statement repeating that a sale has developed. I was talking to her at the time but she did not mention the incident to me.

(Around suppertime Saturday when we were again discussing the matter of interpretation of prediction data, Jane again felt Seth nearby. This time she mentioned it to me but I left it up to her, as to whether she wanted a session. She did not take me up on the situation and so none was held.

(As session time approached Jane had no idea of the material for the session. She told me she “still feels funny” even after all this time, when she hasn’t any idea about the material to come.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

We have spoken concerning the relative impossibility of first origins as you consider them, occurring at a particular point in your time. Inward, individualized, aware energy existed before the conception of your time, your time obviously being an interpretation of the spacious present, from which all creation not only originally began but continues in terms of value fulfillment. Without such a development before the conception of your time, indeed, your universe would never have come into existence.

There are points, quite imaginary, that can be used as references. However, those who ask concerning the time of the origin of consciousness within your universe, are those who do not understand that the most minute physical particle, the most microscopic, is a materialization of inner, aware energy.

To those who ask concerning the origin of that inward energy you may say that the inwardness came from itself. In the spacious present there simply is no past. There can be no point of origin in time as you conceive it. It is only within your camouflage perspective that this remark appears illogical, but this does not mean that you still cannot grasp some of its meaning, using your own inner experience.

Every man dreams. I have told you that as the dream is only connected by the smallest thread to your time, so also, although it is difficult, you could manage to pinpoint the apparent beginning of a dream in clock time. This time, you know intuitively, has no psychological inner relationship to the dream experience.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

I will truly confuse you. I will here add however not only that the universe you know had no particular origin in your time; and I will add that its roots, if we may so speak, continually go in all directions. Within your terms then they may be said even now to be traveling as far backward as they are forward, simultaneously.

[... 40 paragraphs ...]

In some manners you do exist identically in the world of negative matter, but in most manners you do not. Psychologically, dear friends, you do not. I will at one time discuss a fascinating facet, though important not shattering, concerning identical twins, in which slip-ups have occurred in this line.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

We have gone quite far enough this evening, and I will shortly close. One note: Ruburt should remain for a short period only, still on the short schedule for psychological time. And in no case has there been a distortion in our predictions concerning Ruburt’s sales. Not distortions as such. There has been somewhat a lack of correlation; and as you supposed, Joseph, sometimes in interpretation.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(I presume Seth’s congratulations to me refer to the accelerated rate of my painting sales, since I began to put some of his advice to use. Sales have been growing, much to my surprise. Indeed, I now have two advance orders for work not yet finished; this is the first time I have been in such a pleasant position, as far as selling paintings goes.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(The following data are from Jane’s psy-time notebook:

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(November 24, Tuesday, 12:00 PM: Before falling asleep, I saw a page of a Time magazine and was reading it. I don’t recall what it said. I asked to see the headlines or cover. I then saw what I think was the cover. It was in big red block type, but blurred.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(The following data are from my psy-time notebook:

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(November 25, Wednesday, 7:30 PM: I saw my painted trees again, and again with good duration. I also had some other sightings, and heard voices which I could not retain. However, I had an excellent experience which was reminiscent of mine on November 19, in which my left heel felt as though the bed had disappeared beneath it. Today the same sensation came, but this time I felt that the bed was gone from beneath both legs from the calves down. Both feet thus felt suspended in air. I could verify the fact of the bed beneath them in actuality, by exerting a downward pressure.

(The sensation lasted for many minutes and was quite pleasant. At one time I again had the feeling, also, of a “bridge” or connective of flesh, this time from my left heel to the inside of my right big toe. At the same time I experienced the sensation of having my wrists connected in the same way to my sides, as I lay upon my back. All three of these sensations were very definite. I also experienced my standard thrilling sensation a few times, to a mild degree.)

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