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TES3 Session 105 November 9, 1964 23/78 (29%) Helen McIlwain death foreseen mother
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 105 November 9, 1964 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Jane has been quite concerned because of her dream of November 8, which she feels to be clairvoyant, and her recent psychological time experiences, which she feels are related to the dream. She has come to think that these experiences, taken together, may forecast her mother’s death. She is uncertain as to how much credence to give the pendulum experience.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(It might be of interest to note that Helen McIlwain, the communicant in Jane’s dream of November 8, has been dead for perhaps two years. Jane’s mother so informed her in a letter. Jane had not met Helen McIlwain for at least fifteen years, she estimates, and remembers her best from her, Jane’s, grade school years.

(Thus, Seth seems to be saying in the above paragraph that Jane received a communication through a personality that has been dead for two years. When Jane described her dream to me I had mistakenly taken it for granted that Helen McIlwain was still alive.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(See Jane’s psy-time experience of November 6, page 127.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Jane now paused beside my table, her eyes closed. She lifted a hand.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Jane had again paused and gestured, hands up, eyes closed. Her voice was now quiet, and she paused often. I had become rather concerned, considering the content of the material, and watched her closely. I was prepared to end the session at once if I thought intuitively that it was necessary. Jane’s face was drawn, her eyes very dark beneath. She paced about with her eyes lowered mostly.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(It might be added here that last September 2, Jane’s dream notebook reveals, Jane had a dream involving Helen McIlwain’s brother. The brother has been dead for at least five years, and quite possibly much longer, Jane states. Jane remembers the brother rather better than she remembers Helen, actually. The dream involving the brother was a rather ordinary one, Jane believes, and at least on the surface does not involve clairvoyance. Nor, superficially, does it appear to signal a communication from the brother.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Jane paused to look at me. I nodded no, thinking it probably better that she continue. She did not look well, I thought, yet appeared to be holding her own. Since the trance state appeared to be acting as a shield or buffer, allowing her to digest the material at a slower rate, I did not insist that she take a break.

(Jane had also begun rubbing her hands together in a way, I remembered, that meant they again felt “fat” or enlarged to her. Many sessions ago, notably in the 50’s, this phenomena had been common to both of us. The last recent instance of it occurred in the 103rd session on a rather mild scale. It was now 9:30.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:40. Jane was dissociated as usual. She was also physically sick to her stomach. She said she could not have continued without a break. The thought of milk seemed most unpalatable to her while she felt this way, but upon taking some she began to feel better. She was surprised, and ate a few cookies.

(Jane said that she felt the material was a burden at this point. She was not trustful of it at the moment. She hadn’t really thought Seth would say that her dream and psychological time data were correct; she didn’t think, moreover, that Seth would ever come out with such material, no matter whose death was involved.

(Again, I was prepared to end the session at any time Jane seemed unable to carry on. The food and drink seemed to be most helpful, however, and she resumed dictation in a quiet voice. She paused often and paced quite slowly. Resume at 9:54.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

The particular event as he saw it was not valid, but the information contained therein was valid. The words, “She is still in shock”, however referred not to the person whose death was being perceived, but the words referred to Ruburt (as Jane) still being in a state of shock because of the clairvoyant information.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane’s voice was much quieter by now.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Jane had paused here, groping for the right words. Standing with her eyes closed, she attempted to describe to me by gestures what she meant by eyelets and “another projection.” I didn’t get it.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Jane took long pauses before and after the following sentence.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(End at 10:31. Jane was dissociated as usual. She was not sick now, if also not hilarious, and also looked much better. Actually she said, she felt much better for having the information out in the open so that she did not have to constantly wonder whether it was valid, distorted, etc.

(A reminder might be added here that Jane obtained the December date for her mother’s death through the pendulum only. See page 128. Seth seems to be saying that the event will occur soon, but we must wait. Jane has not seen her mother for some years now; the two women do correspond regularly, however.

(One development of possible interest concerning her mother took place last month, in October. Jane received a hand-knitted sweater from her mother as a Christmas present. In her accompanying letter Jane’s mother wrote to the effect that she was sending the sweater ahead of time because she did not “expect to be around” by Christmas. I remember that Jane and I were struck by the tone of the letter, but in all honesty neither did we take it overly seriously. Jane may still have the letter. If it is found it will be filed with other data pertinent to the Seth material.

(At the close of the session Jane’s right hand felt “fat” or enlarged.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Since Seth’s suggestion Monday that Jane confine her psychological time experiments to 15 minutes, she has nothing to report for Tuesday and Wednesday, November 10-11, except for a rather mild feeling of general lightness.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(However I did not think much of this, and since Jane was already getting breakfast at the other end of the apartment, I forgot to mention it to her by the time I sat down to eat. And as before, by the time I left the apartment, the other car had been moved.

(What I did not know was that right after I left the apartment Jane had a sudden strong urge to walk back to the studio and look out. She found herself doing this almost without thinking, for she felt that my garage was blocked by another car. She did not see the car that had been blocking my way, for it had been moved by then. She saw me back out of the garage as usual. I did not look up to see her for I did not expect to. Jane says this is the first time she can remember that she has checked up to see if the garage was blocked. Nor does she watch me leave for work. She too forgot the incident until I happened to mention my experience at lunch.)

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