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TES3 Session 105 November 9, 1964 26/78 (33%) Helen McIlwain death foreseen mother
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 105 November 9, 1964 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Seth also stated at that time that John will have to take strong measures if he wants to achieve certain goals. John reported that he has been visited by his district manager this week, and that indeed the two men have been covering John’s route together. The visit has given John a chance to state his case for transfer and more money, and John has been vigorously doing just this.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt’s abilities have indeed jumped up another level, and that is why he is jumpy, if you will excuse the pun.

I realize that Ruburt in particular is in no mood for levity, and I would for his sake tell him that the information contained in his psychological time experiments, and in his dreams of late, is merely the fabrications of his subconscious, of which in the past he was not aware.

However, I cannot tell him this, since he has indeed received a communication from someone he knew as his mother’s friend. And he received further information or collaborative information, in his own psychological time experiences.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

First of all, when he cried out silently for you during a recent psychological time experience, it was because he sensed, through inner communications, a situation concerning a death in which he would need your support. The poor Rob cry was his regret at having to depend upon your support, taking, he feared, energy from your work; and a regret, based on fear, that he always feels whenever he is forced to rely upon someone’s strength.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

He fears that he will be loved when he gives support, but not loved when he must rely, or ask it, from another person. Sensing a death, immediately fearing that it was yours, Joseph, since he heard himself call for you, he hastily attempted to sacrifice his previous husband in your place. Therefore the mix-up of names when he wrote down his experience.

He then attempted to forget it. Last night’s dream—

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Last night’s dream was a communication from the Helen who was the friend of Ruburt’s mother. The message was directed to Ruburt. He did not pick it up from his mother. The envelope, the black envelope, was obviously a symbol, but it did enable Ruburt to see the name of the woman who was sending the message. And the import of the dream was clear to him merely in the perception of that simple data, the black envelope, with the return name in the left hand corner, and though he does not recall it, his name on the envelope as the person to whom the communication was sent.

Even in his dream he was stunned, afraid that the death was his own. This is why he could not remember that the envelope was addressed to him. In his dream, therefore, which he knew he would remember because of his training, he then added shielding fabrications, interwoven with the valid information.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

He then attempted to substitute the name of Linda, your niece, and pretended not to know whose death was being perceived. Nor could he recall reading the message, or the name that was inside. That is why he cannot remember actually opening the envelope. In any case, opening the envelope was superfluous.

The relief he felt after deciding that he had safely tricked himself, he thought in the morning, was due to the fact that the future death was not his mother’s or his own, but one involving a relative at least somewhat distant. The relief of course was the result of his partial success in distorting the information, but despite distortions the sender came through, and the sex of the person whose death was unfortunately perceived.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

We are going about this explanation in our own way; Ruburt and I have a pact, now, of which he is not consciously aware, and if I observe certain niceties or conventions, which I am perfectly willing to accept, then he lets me through. As a rule he will. It involves my not shocking him right away with painful data, but working around it rather craftily, and yet still in my own way getting the material across.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

It is more difficult for Ruburt if he has a break under such conditions as those that exist this evening.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The psychological experience today was a reinforced message, tied in with the others, which again Ruburt tried to forget and could not quite manage, because he has now trained himself to recall such data.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I here suggest that Ruburt break after all. Give him a glass of milk and a bit of solid food, and then if he is up to it, and I think that he shall be, we will continue.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

This made him more worried that the future death foreseen was his own, since he was looking up at a nurse and doctor while they looked down at him. He heard the words spoken by a nurse, “She is still in shock,” but he distorted the words so that he remembered them as being, “She is coming out of shock.”

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The particular event as he saw it was not valid, but the information contained therein was valid. The words, “She is still in shock”, however referred not to the person whose death was being perceived, but the words referred to Ruburt (as Jane) still being in a state of shock because of the clairvoyant information.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Ruburt is calmer now, and I may add not only that his death was not involved in any manner, but also that his death will not occur for many years. He is extremely touchy, for all his training, upon this subject in general.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

You thought you hit something in the road, a stone perhaps, and Ruburt was insistent that he had seen a cat, and that the car had struck it. He wondered what had happened to the cat, and you went back together to see.

There was no cat. The above mentioned matters were on his mind. His eyes under good circumstances are inefficient. He saw a gray brown bag of cloth used to collect leaves, and usually connected to lawn mowers. It lay on or by the curb with leaves in it and it, uh, it had, ah, metal eyelets and another projection.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

It had been disconnected from a mower. The man left it momentarily. He was called inside. You hit this and threw it, but it did not fly up, and the color mixed well with the pile of leaves there. It was gone when you returned.

Now that this is finished, we can return again to the subject at hand, and the mirror instance. The mirror, again, would have offered valid data had Ruburt looked into it, but again he grew frightened. And the mirror was, once more, a means by which information could be made intelligible to him, and specific, though the mirror in larger terms did not exist.

This does not make the experience any less valid. Merely it was the use of a mental implement, through which valid information could be received. He did not use the implement, that is he would not look into it.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

I will here close the session, giving you a fairly brief one because of circumstances, and I suggest for the rest of this week that Ruburt limit his psychological time experiments to fifteen minutes a day, rather than a half-hour, simply because he is under some strain.

You will be given all support from me, and from others, in the situation which will develop, and Ruburt will find that he will come through with a minimum of difficulty, considering the normal discomfiture involved in any circumstance of such nature. That is, there will be no added strain, due to the unusual relationship that has existed between him and his mother.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

(Also Tuesday: While falling asleep near midnight, I saw my brother Loren very clearly if briefly. He was with a group of young men and women I did not know. It appeared to be summer. Loren wore a colorful short-sleeved sport shirt and a light brown straw hat with a narrow brim. I believe he carried a pipe in his left hand. He stood on the left side of my field of vision. Smiling at me, he held out his right hand toward me. I did not hear him say anything.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

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