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TES3 Session 103 November 2, 1964 11/96 (11%) chest peaks wine unscheduled indulgence
– The Early Sessions: Book 3 of The Seth Material
– © 2013 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 103 November 2, 1964 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

Now. Conceivably at times during a social evening several glasses of wine, under certain conditions bringing him quite naturally to the same sort of state that he goes through and passes beyond in these sessions, could lead him to misinterpret his data, or get his signals crossed.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(Jane interrupted to look at me. It was now 9:35. I shook my head, since she seemed to want to go on, and was not talking so fast that I had difficulty keeping up.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now. Ruburt was in a splendid state of dissociation. He was also emotionally and intuitively attuned because of his father’s visit, and in an inner state of irritability, meaning excitability, which often accompanies dissociation. There is an outer aloofness, but an inner sensitivity to different stimuli.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

Now if, and this has occurred, Ruburt finds his abilities unusually attuned, and circumstances are advantageous, it is perfectly legitimate to hold a session, though it is not a scheduled one. I will automatically make adjustments. This refers to sessions with or without witnesses.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Jane now took a rather long pause as she paced about. The effect Seth referred to, Jane told me later, was the one seen by Bill Macdonnel during Sunday’s unscheduled session—the opaque white eyes superimposed upon Jane’s closed eyelids.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Such results are also now showing in your own work. The understanding and inner freedom is enabling you to use more and more facets of your own ability, and to develop these further.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

In quite practical terms also you have been selling paintings, because now you do not hold back, and you will continue to improve; and this improvement will cause others to be drawn to your work.

[... 31 paragraphs ...]

(Left; started way home. By now, however, felt as if lightness rose through body, and this changed so that suddenly I felt as if lower part of body had dissolved completely, up to chest. No muscular knowledge of carrying bag with three quarts of milk, and book and cigarettes that I’d purchased at all. Suddenly worried; realized for the first time that I wasn’t in state of something like just plain extraordinary good humor or good health or ordinary but unusual exuberance. First, I was aware that I felt as if body had dissolved below chest; but then thought that it really might have. Went up curb on Church St.; beyond doubt it took no effort at all; the usual effort you feel in lifting feet for steps. Shoes bothered me though; they seemed heavy, holding me down. I know this is silly, but felt scared that if lower part of body was dissolved; and all that was left was chest and shoulder and head region, then I would just fall down; a chest, shoulders, and head on street. Didn’t think I was going to do this; but the image popped into my head. By this time, worried to some degree but still enjoying the delightful...suspension...looked from Walnut Street through yards, to my own windows that showed through trees. Noticed that it seemed that I was floating by...rather than walking. Afraid I might...leave body or something...unprotected in street. Got home. Told Rob. He made me drink coffee, had me sniff ammonia.

(Got home about 1:50 PM Feelings continued, though beginning to lessen. At 3 PM though, just after I began writing this all down, went to downstairs front door to see if mailman had come, still felt same sensations though to lesser degree. Rob and I in living room area; I told him about the mailman and all of a sudden I had the odd and striking feeling as I walked around my table that I passed through a “hole of nothingness”—and passed out of it again immediately. It is now 4:15. I feel more like myself now, though tired. In fact, I’m OK now, or close to it.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(As soon as Jane returned home from doing her errands and mentioned that she still “felt funny”, I suspected that we would see something like a repetition of her adventure of January 10, 1964, Volume 1, page 83. On page 89, in the 100th session, Seth had stated that Jane could allow herself more freedom now, and since she had mentioned the feeling of what she calls ecstasy to me this noon, I thought she was indeed doing more than usual. I also wondered whether she had done too much.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(Ever since she traveled to her home town, Saratoga, NY, psychically, Jane has wanted to travel again. (See Volume 2, page 65, April 30, 1964.) She believes that her experience today was an effort at travel, and wondered why it was apparently so much more difficult to accomplish now than it was last April. Seth deals with the problem somewhat in the following, 104th, session.)

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