1 result for (book:tes3 AND session:103 AND stemmed:block)
[... 43 paragraphs ...]
There will indeed be a welcome sale on Ruburt’s part. He unfortunately blocks me at this moment as to details.
[... 22 paragraphs ...]
(November 3, Tuesday 7 AM: Getting dressed for work this morning, I abruptly had the rather clear thought that I should walk back to my studio and look out the back windows, because I would be able to see that a car was parked in front of the garage, blocking the exit of my car from the garage. Looking out the windows, I received a jolt when I did see a car so parked, blocking off the exit of my own car.
(I wonder: The car blocking mine belonged to a young man who lives in a downstairs apartment. By agreement we park so as not to block each other’s automobile comings and goings, and the system works well. I do not know why on this particular occasion his car was parked as it was; perhaps because another car had temporarily taken his regular place, then left later. Since my friend of downstairs knew his car must be blocking mine, perhaps I received a telepathic communication from him upon arising this morning. Going downstairs after breakfast, I saw the car was gone, which meant my neighbor had moved it considerably earlier than is usually his habit, since he leaves for work sometime after I do.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
(It’s a terrific autumn day, sunny. Walked perhaps half a block or so. Remember thinking suddenly that Seth might say the following in tonight’s session: Material world of physical matter doesn’t actually exist as such at all, in a real sense. Atoms and molecules etc. are our names for the stuff of which we compose our images or transpose them into apparent validity. Then the next thing I remember is a marvelous feeling of lightness, I felt not so much buoyant as free of resistance; physical resistance. Free of physical bulk, of physical pressures, as say, sometimes we imagine we might have felt sometime in early childhood. This didn’t register at first though; just felt unusually good, enjoying my walk, conscious of the lightness of my step, aware of a satisfying unity with creation.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(Headed across playground to strange street, not on my ordinary route. From there in, the sensation of lightness spread throughout my body except for chest region. Seemed no effort at all to walk, completely effortless, as if there was no resistance at all to overcome; no sense of muscular motion for example. Fabulous sense of well-being; of floating along the street. Walked this way about four blocks; went to store, feeling the same; talked to woman who works there in ordinary manner.
[... 14 paragraphs ...]