1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:72 AND stemmed:jane)

TES2 Session 72 July 20, 1964 17/60 (28%) Pipers imposed constructions sea endure
– The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 72 July 20, 1964 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(It was a very hot and humid evening. By 8:55 Doc Piper had not appeared, and from my studio in the back of the apartment I could look across backyards and see his office lights still on. Jane was only a little nervous before the session. “The idea of people we know coming to sessions doesn’t bother me at all,” she said. “It’s only when strangers are coming that I get really nervous.”

(Jane began dictating on time, and in a quiet and normal voice. Her pacing was at a comfortable rate, her eyes dark as usual. She maintained these attitudes for the whole session, although where indicated she took rather long pauses while delivering the material.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(By now, Jane was speaking at a slower rate, with quite a few rather long pauses between phrases and/or sentences.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Now Jane walked back and forth in the couple of feet of space between our long narrow coffee table and the divan, gesturing as she talked.)

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:27. Jane was dissociated as usual. It might be interesting to note that while Jane was delivering this material, she strolled about the room without a sign of discomfort on this very hot and stuffy, humid night. Her skin was dry and fresh looking. On the other hand, sitting with my clothes stuck to my body, I had to place a cardboard under my right hand in order to avoid soaking my notepaper.

(Jane resumed in the same quiet manner, with some rather long pauses, at 9:35.)

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:58. Jane was dissociated as usual. And again, she was unbothered by the heavy heat while delivering the material. My writing hand was by now somewhat tired, though I hadn’t been overworked this evening by any means.

(Jane resumed in the same quiet and deliberate manner at 10:06.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

(Jane had, again, been taking some rather long pauses as she delivered this material.)

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(End at 10:25. Jane was dissociated as usual. She said she could feel Seth abruptly leave when he reached the end of the session. “He’s gone,” she said. She is of the opinion that Seth likes to deliver his material in batches, whether they be long or short.

(My writing hand felt no fatigue now. Nor did we get to ask about the Hubbell Roberts material included at the beginning of this session. Jane said Seth chose not to bother with it tonight.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(Jane had nothing to report.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(For the following, 73rd session, we had as guests Dr. and Mrs. Piper, with whom we have become acquainted in the past year or so. After the session, Jane and me showed them how to use the Ouija board, since they were curious.

(The board began to work for them immediately, where it had taken Jane and me quite a few sessions before we obtained anything at all through it. I took down the answers the Pipers obtained, and Jane was an observer.

(By the time the Pipers had asked their third question of the board, concerning the name of the communicant they had raised, Fred Lake, Jane had received this name mentally. She did not tell the Pipers, but she had the whole name in mind by the time the pointer had moved to the letter F. She was quite surprised, and has never had the experience before, although it has been some months since either of us watched others working the board—indeed, since the Seth material began to flow. Perhaps Jane’s abilities have improved in that field also.

(The next question the Pipers asked for was a date from Fred Lake. Jane received an answer for this question too, and noted it down on her own. The pointer however, hesitated over several numbers in giving the Pipers an answer, so the results here are inconclusive.

(Being tired from the session, Jane did not pursue the thing any further, and we let the Pipers alone while they received several more answers. But Jane and I plan to repeat this experiment with other couples, while we observe and see if either of us can pick up, in some fashion, answers the pointer will give.)

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