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TES2 Session 71 July 15, 1964 3/187 (2%) grass Hubbell seed Ted matter
– The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 71 July 15, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Scheduled

[... 28 paragraphs ...]

This distortive attempt to re-create the self once more on the physical plane, and to insure self-continuity within that plane, is the basis for the divergence of physical types and characteristics. Such a creation, or re-creation, is obviously impossible.

[... 33 paragraphs ...]

You call yourself yourself, though the color of your hair may change; and indeed the adult bears little resemblance to the child. Form simply cannot be a characteristic of matter, since matter can be proven to come and go, while form in many cases remains recognizable.

This will be a vital point in later discussions. You must, and will, learn to look at things in a new way, and many implications will arise from tonight’s discussion that will carry us further along our way. You will indeed see clearly that matter is created simultaneously, and has no duration, but is completely and almost instantly replaced by other matter, and that identity and continuity are not characteristics of matter, but must be found in other places.

[... 122 paragraphs ...]

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