1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:70 AND stemmed:right)
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
(Sat. 7/11, 1:30 AM: While drowsing before going to sleep, I saw briefly a woman of about 40, who sat curled up within the left third of a rectangular white screen. It was brief but quite clear. She had short straight light brown hair, and smiled down at me over her right shoulder. I made a sketch of the vision.
[... 30 paragraphs ...]
(Now, once again, Jane walked over to our couch and perched on one arm of it, as she has done during each of the last few sessions. It is now apparent that she does this when Seth is feeling particularly humorous and sharp. Sitting there now, she pointed often at me to her right, and occasionally at John in front of her.)
[... 22 paragraphs ...]
([John:] “No, Seth, go right ahead.”)
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
(It was of course very dark, but we could see a few lights in the valley below. The night was just right. John parked his car so the headlights illuminated the house to a good degree, and we showed him about as best we could without a key to get inside. We sat on the long wide front porch and drank the beer. Jane had originated this idea, and she thought there was a chance Seth might come through while we were on the property, but he did not.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]