1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:69 AND stemmed:light)
[... 44 paragraphs ...]
I have told you they were fragments, and if you will reread the material in the light of the newer material on matter, then the whole incident will become more plain to you. I also will tie these discussions in with their strong connection with expectation, as the involvement here is extremely practical in everyday terms; and though it may seem at first to be Pollyanna, it certainly is not, and in many cases much training is necessary before proper attitudes can be achieved. In all cases without exception, fear leads to defective constructions, and the cycle is vicious.
[... 16 paragraphs ...]
(During this break Jane and I checked one point we had thought of since the last session, and this was the amount of light available in the room during the time Bill Macdonnel and I had noted the change in Jane’s features as she stood in the bathroom doorway.
(I now had Jane take the same spot again. See the floor plan on page 223. I soon discovered that even the pole lamp I always have on furnished enough light to see Jane’s features clearly. Even though this light is on the other side of the bath door, due to reflection from the white walls of the room there was plenty of light. With the light on the room divider on, or the closet light on, the illumination was enhanced. Jane said that after careful thought she felt the closet light was also on during the break at 9:56. I had neglected to check this point at the time of the session.
[... 72 paragraphs ...]