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TES2 Session 68 July 6, 1964 26/178 (15%) Mark Bill doorway apparition bath
– The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 68 July 6, 1964 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Time may show that this session is one of the most significant to date, as far as demonstrations of the authenticity of the Seth Material are concerned. What I have recorded here is done with the utmost effort towards objectivity. Jane, Bill Macdonnel and I agree as to the contents, and our three viewpoints are herein presented. It might be added that Jane and I have no set opinions concerning the Seth Material. We are engaged in it and with it, and we record what we learn. We do not feel that at this stage any other opinion or attitude is needed. We let the material speak for itself.

(Today we had made an initial payment towards acquiring the Birch house, dealt with so extensively in the 65th session. We were both pleased and excited over this. Before the session was due Jane said she felt exhausted and nervous; she reported Seth had been with her at times during the afternoon, “buzzing around,” as she put it, while she thought about the house.

(Bill Macdonnel arrived at 8:30 to be a witness. Our cat Willy was quiet for a change as session time approached. Jane also felt nervous. She began dictating on time, in a voice a little deeper and stronger than usual. Her pacing was average, her eyes darkened as usual.)

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(Jane had prepared a glass of iced coffee before the session began. Now she lifted it to show Bill and me. At the same time, her voice began to grow some-what deeper and stronger.)

[... 24 paragraphs ...]

While Mark creates his own image, you seem to see his image, but you do not see it. At this particular time there are three entirely different Marks in this room, although I use the term “this room” very loosely.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

There is the Mark which Mark has created, an actual physical construction. There is another Mark does not see, and this Mark is an actual physical construction created by you. There are at this time still two more physical Marks, one created by Ruburt, and one created by your cat.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

This is the first time that I have attempted to approach in this manner during a session. I am pleased that I have been perceived, and I have been observing you from my own vantage point.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The construction is one of those that I have said is usually unperceived, and therefore does not exist as a rule in terms of physical time or space.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(Jane by now felt very good, fully recovered from her below-par feeling preceding the session. Clowning around, she moved into the doorway, into the exact spot in which, Bill said, Seth’s apparition was appearing. At this time, this moment, Bill said he could not see the image. I was standing beside the rocker Bill occupied, and both of us were watching Jane as she stood smiling and laughing in the bath doorway.

(Bill Macdonnel and I then noticed at the same time that Jane’s animated features were changing. As she spoke to us, her jaw became more square in outline against her long black hair; her nose enlarged, her mouth acquired heavier and wider lips as they moved with her speech, and her neck thickened. The whole cast of feature became heavier and male. Neither Bill or myself noted any change in her eyes or forehead.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(I then asked Jane to move a few inches forward. She did, and the effect diminished then disappeared. For me, the change in feature appeared to take place on a plane an inch or so in front of Jane’s actual physical features. This new set of features might have been suspended on a clear screen of some kind; and as I watched them, at the same time I saw or sensed behind them or through them Jane’s real features as I knew them. Bill Macdonnel did not dispute my interpretation of the effect, although I have the feeling he did not see the effect just that way.

(This “hanging before” appearance, it will be remembered, is remarkably similar to the effect I observed when the same three of us experimented with our first and only seance. See the 11th session, page 56. In this one, as Bill, Jane and I stared into a mirror, the reflection of Jane’s head changed in size and shape, and finally appeared to hang in space just forward of the rest of her reflection. That appearance had taken place in much poorer light than tonight’s event, however. This time I could see in detail the changes taking place, and their end. [Session 11 is in Vol. 1.]

[... 19 paragraphs ...]

Also a brief notice: Your doctor across the way even now looked up and saw me, as he has done upon various occasions. And yet this time he knew that something was different, and sensed the proximity.

(I had heard a door slam next door, since it was a nice night and our living room windows were open. In the summer Jane likes the windows open, sessions or no, although I find traffic noises bothersome at times.

(We live on the second floor. The offices of Dr. Levine, our friend and physician, are perhaps forty feet away, on the ground floor of a house that he owns. The side entrance to his suite is directly opposite our windows, and we often see Sam Levine coming and going. He does much night work, and his office lights have many times been burning while a session was in progress.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

If you will bear with me I will continue briefly without stopping for your break this moment, since Ruburt is also cooperating with me so well. It would be best if we did not pause for a regular time.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

(We found the front door locked and bolted, then spent a few minutes looking around the front half of the place, and admiring the view. It then occurred to me to walk around back to see if the back door was also locked. Jane had the same idea, though we thought little of it at the time. And we did find the back porch door open. It had no outside lock, but was locked from the inside by a bolt arrangement.

(According to Seth then, Jane and I used our combined psychic strength or force to pull the bolt back. I remember finding the door, which was very heavy and thick, slightly ajar. This was accounted for to our satisfaction at the time of our second visit; trying to shoot the bolt from inside the porch, Jane and I found we had to exert considerable pressure against the door in order to line the bolt up with the door frame; and once shut the door was exceedingly sturdy. If Jane and I used psychic strength to open this door, it can be safely stated that the force required and exerted was considerable.)

[... 25 paragraphs ...]

There is a pleasant summer ahead for him. Concrete plans for an apartment should be made with the coming of autumn. The actual moving, or the time of it, is not so important as the necessity for definite plans to be made.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(My hand was somewhat tired from writing, but not in bad shape. Jane, Bill and I discussed an experiment the three of us could try while Bill was on his trip. He planned to go to Cape Cod; as soon as he was settled for his projected stay of several weeks, Bill was to write us. He would give us certain times during evening hours when the three of us would try to contact each other telepathically, and make notes of whatever impressions we might receive.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

We will have our promised party in your new house, and some party it will be. I have put it off for my own reasons, and will make up. You may by all means invite Mark, and we will really have some time. I am not any old fogy, and I may very well give you a taste of my sense of humor that you will not soon forget.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Jane grinned broadly and pointed at me from her perch on the arm of the couch. I take the term old landowner as another of Seth’s references to my life in Denmark in the 1600’s; at that time I owned much land.)

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

—he pushes me away. He is a stubborn lunkhead half of the time, and a stubborn donkeyhead the other half. All in all, he will do, but it shows what I must put up with.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I do see in that large white room some occurrences on our party night, and I shall have quite a time watching your expressions. I might even greet you at what Ruburt calls your large French doors. That is an excellent idea.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

All in all, I haven’t had such a good time at a session in months.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

One note: I am having a marvelous time with Ruburt right now, keeping him from his cigarettes.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

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