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TES2 Session 68 July 6, 1964 50/178 (28%) Mark Bill doorway apparition bath
– The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 68 July 6, 1964 9 PM Monday as Scheduled

Displaying only most relevant fragments—original results reproduced too much of the copyrighted work.


(At our request Jane remained standing where she was; she said that she “tingled” as she stood in the proper spot. [...] The effect lasted for perhaps a minute or two, the room was sufficiently well lighted [although not blazing with light; during her deliveries Jane usually has one 60W light on, but at break we turn more lights on; and if this bothers Jane while talking she automatically snaps them off as she paces about.] and Bill and I had plenty of chance to make sure of what we were looking at.


(I then asked Jane to move a few inches forward. [...] For me, the change in feature appeared to take place on a plane an inch or so in front of Jane’s actual physical features. This new set of features might have been suspended on a clear screen of some kind; and as I watched them, at the same time I saw or sensed behind them or through them Jane’s real features as I knew them. [...]


(According to Seth then, Jane and I used our combined psychic strength or force to pull the bolt back. [...] This was accounted for to our satisfaction at the time of our second visit; trying to shoot the bolt from inside the porch, Jane and I found we had to exert considerable pressure against the door in order to line the bolt up with the door frame; and once shut the door was exceedingly sturdy. If Jane and I used psychic strength to open this door, it can be safely stated that the force required and exerted was considerable.)


[...] Jane, Bill Macdonnel and I agree as to the contents, and our three viewpoints are herein presented. It might be added that Jane and I have no set opinions concerning the Seth Material. [...]


(By now Jane’s voice was even lower and stronger than it had been a minute ago. [...] The presence of witnesses usually calls forth a little extra on Seth-Jane’s part as far as voice phenomenon is concerned. [...]


(Jane and I of course looked into the doorway but saw nothing. Bill has seen many images and apparitions during his life, and Seth has in past sessions discussed some of them, and their origin, briefly; so Jane and I were not surprised when Bill said he had another sighting.


(Jane by now felt very good, fully recovered from her below-par feeling preceding the session. [...] I was standing beside the rocker Bill occupied, and both of us were watching Jane as she stood smiling and laughing in the bath doorway.


[...] In this one, as Bill, Jane and I stared into a mirror, the reflection of Jane’s head changed in size and shape, and finally appeared to hang in space just forward of the rest of her reflection. [...]


[...] He has expressed neither belief nor disbelief; he has also listened to part of the tape recording we made of Jane when delivering the 25th session. [...] Someday Jane and I intend to put the pressure on Sam and make him attend a session, no matter how busy he is. [...]


[...] Jane was dissociated as usual. [...] Also, Jane said Seth had played a trick on her during the last delivery: He had not let her approach my writing table, where she usually let her cigarettes lay, and she had been unable to smoke.

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