1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:67 AND stemmed:effort)
[... 241 paragraphs ...]
(Fri. 7/3, 11:00 AM: A holiday due to the 4th of July. Lying down in a very relaxed manner without inducing the desired state, I then again experienced the feeling of elevation in my forearms and hands. Deliberately experimenting, I then moved my right hand a bit so that I became aware of feeling the blanket beneath it. [I had drifted without effort into the desired state.] This contact removed the feeling of elevation from my right hand; but the left hand retained the sensation, so for a few minutes I lay exploring the peculiarities of again being on two levels at once.
[... 17 paragraphs ...]
(In an effort to jog my memory, I have consulted a road map altas. Two town names in the northeast corner of Louisiana seemed familiar to me: Columbia and Cameron. Yet later, out for a drive with Jane, it popped to mind that the town name I wanted was Sheridan. During the experiment I then recalled thinking that the name George Marshall gave me was a reasonable one for a town, and that it was the same as a town [or city] in Wyoming.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]