1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:67 AND stemmed:contact)
[... 140 paragraphs ...]
(“Why was it so easy, Tom Roberts, for you to contact us tonight?”)
[... 65 paragraphs ...]
(“Does Seth know you are contacting us now?”)
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(“Have you contacted others like us yet?”)
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
(“Did you have his permission to contact us?”)
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
(“Tom Roberts, Can we contact you in the future?”)
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
(Fri. 7/3, 11:00 AM: A holiday due to the 4th of July. Lying down in a very relaxed manner without inducing the desired state, I then again experienced the feeling of elevation in my forearms and hands. Deliberately experimenting, I then moved my right hand a bit so that I became aware of feeling the blanket beneath it. [I had drifted without effort into the desired state.] This contact removed the feeling of elevation from my right hand; but the left hand retained the sensation, so for a few minutes I lay exploring the peculiarities of again being on two levels at once.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
(“Listen, my name... is Robert... Butts... I want you to contact...”
(I do not know whether I finished or not; I have the feeling George Marshall promised to contact me. [It will be remembered that Seth had instructed Jane and me to ask this of whomever we managed to contact during psychological time.]
[... 8 paragraphs ...]