1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:64 AND stemmed:energi)
[... 32 paragraphs ...]
These are completely separate constructions of energy into matter. You do not—and I repeat: you do not —perceive all constructions into matter. You only perceive your own physical constructions. Ruburt intuitively grasped this fact even before our sessions.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
The physical matter that is the chair, or rather Ruburt’s chair, is formed as I explained, and no atom in it is the same today and tomorrow. He uses energy to construct his physical universe. You construct your own chair in the same manner, using different energy; and again no atom of your chair is the same today and tomorrow.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
I was concerned at the time with other data. However we will go into this now. First, you and Philip and Ruburt, when you are all present in the room, each construct from energy your own physical materialization of the idea, television set.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
This needs brief explanation. If the three of you turn your attention to the set, the first one to consider it will form the so-called initial construction. This is for simplicity’s sake. I have told you that all living—and I will use the term conditions—cooperate in the formation of your physical universe. Your construction of the set, Joseph, will involve the use of energy formed into various combinations of atoms and molecules; and these themselves give off vibrations that are received subconsciously, and also serve therefore to give indications of approximate location, bulk, and even particular material and color, to the subconscious mind of any observer, so-called; although he does not see your construction but forms his own, more or less in faithful replica, to what he has subconsciously perceived telepathically from you and any other constructor, from generalized notions of the idea behind the construction, and from vibrations and even impacts received from the atoms and molecules that compose other constructions of the so-called single object.
[... 31 paragraphs ...]