1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:64 AND stemmed:"befor birth")

TES2 Session 64 June 24, 1964 8/87 (9%) bug construction hose cat insect
– The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 64 June 24, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Instructed

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(It will be remembered that in the last, 63rd, session, pages 158-159, Seth stated that a narcotics scandal was to break in Elmira within 3 months. This information was given on 6/17/64. Today, 6/24, 1964, an article appeared in the Elmira Star-Gazette detailing a narcotics trial taking place in Ithaca NY, perhaps 35 miles distant. An Elmira tavern is named, along with the fact that a New York City detective has given Elmira authorities the names of Elmirans for further investigation. The names have not been revealed. Seth said that five people would be involved. It can be categorically stated that neither Jane nor I had any knowledge that such an investigation was underway involving Elmirans, before Seth mentioned it last week.

[... 19 paragraphs ...]

Your cat is also different, a completely different construction, for each of you. It is easier, perhaps, to understand if we first consider the difference between the bug’s construction of the cat, and the cat’s construction of the bug, before we go on.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(Now, Willy had deserted the torn carton. As he has done before occasionally, he gave a loud cry and jumped at Jane’s ankles as she paced back and forth. He nipped her. Jane then remained still and quiet while I once again got up; this time I put Willy in another room and shut the door.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 9:31. Jane was dissociated until Willy nipped her. She said Seth had wanted her to pick up the bug herself, but even while dictating she carried the parallel fear that the bug would bite. Just before Jane began dictating again we let Willy into the room again, to see how he would behave. He answered us by curling up in his favorite cane chair. Jane resumed in the same good, somewhat deeper voice at 9:42.)

These are completely separate constructions of energy into matter. You do not—and I repeat: you do not —perceive all constructions into matter. You only perceive your own physical constructions. Ruburt intuitively grasped this fact even before our sessions.

[... 24 paragraphs ...]

This is not a case of a hose looking like a snake. This is a failure of a different sort, according to whether or not the constructor of the hose is present or still constructing his object. There is something here that I will explain. I have briefly mentioned before, I believe, what I will term an afterimage. When you cease active construction of an object, the pattern begins to fade but remains inactive.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

He actually creates his own environment, but this environment is created by him according to conceptions received telepathically now, in childhood, in infancy, and even before birth.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

(Sun. 6/28, 9:30 PM: Many instances of drumbeats and music, and miscellaneous vague scenes, very quick, of people and portions of trees and countryside, none of it familiar to me. Usually the flashing pictures would emphasize one small portion before my eyes—that is, a tree branch with a cluster of leaves for instance, each of which I would glimpse in sharp and colorful detail. I also experienced a mild sensation at my suggestion of lightness.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

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