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TES2 Session 62 June 15, 1964 11/48 (23%) gestalt cooperation identity energy maintained
– The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 62 June 15, 1964 9 PM Monday as Instructed

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

All in all, it is just as well that the relationship between Ruburt and Mrs. Masters be terminated. Ruburt’s and your idea of bidding her good-bye is necessarily a good one.

By this time you should know that our material on material is excellent. I mentioned earlier that very little distortion occurs in such material. There is very much to be covered. It goes without saying then, that there is consciousness of a kind, conscious energy, behind and to some extent within all material.

Energy as it comes through your plane is individualized; and indeed, irregardless of any other theories, all energy contains some consciousness, in simple or more complicated gestalt fashion, as I have mentioned that atoms and molecules so possess a limited consciousness, and a generalized subconsciousness which contains within it a capsule comprehension of the universe as a whole.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

I have explained somewhat earlier how the gestalt ego consciousness was formed, and to some degree explained its psychic composition, but there is much more to be said here. There is a steady and unwavering cooperation that exists, and it is the basis of your physical universe. You do not see this cooperation. Your senses are rather more equipped to notice difference and divergence than sameness; but nevertheless the cooperation of all conscious entities provides physical objects with whatever appearance of permanence they have.

Your cat and the birds on your rooftop all do their part. With expanded consciousness the responsibility for cooperation becomes more definite. And yet there is really no choice, for upon your physical plane there will be cooperation or annihilation.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

This cooperation is a necessity on a molecular level, and continues through all phases of physical existence. Remember however that it is the conscious cooperation of the individualized energy that makes the molecule itself possible.

[... 11 paragraphs ...]

It must be apparent however that all energy is not materialized as it passes through your field. There are also psychic gestalts with intelligences that are not materialized on your physical plane, and with these you are not of course familiar.

You had better forget the habit of thinking of your physical universe as a place, for it is simply not a place. Locations of this sort mean nothing. Even space, as you think of it, does not exist. Fifth dimensional space is something else again. The appearance of space is a distortion of your own perception, and that is all.

What your senses show to be empty, you term space, and you think of matter rather paradoxically as filling up space, and yet as being where space is not, so-called space and so-called material are energy, and the true properties of energy are very difficult to explain to you, because all your concepts are so limited.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Identity, being independent of matter, is then not finished when the particular physical pattern is no longer created. Energy while being propulsive, is also retentive. It retains what you may call memory of previous gestalts. Capsule comprehension exists even in the smallest particle of energy, and even within the smallest particle of energy there exists all possibilities of development and creation.

A psychic gestalt is dependent upon matter, not for its identity but merely for its survival in the physical plane. Psychic gestalts or identities or individualities are for all practical purposes immortal. They may join other gestalts but they will never be less than they once were. Identity then is never broken down. Any apparent breaking down is never an actual fact, as the personality could be thought of as a breaking down of the entity; but this is not so. The personality did not exist as such before its creation by the entity, and once it becomes an identity, it retains that individuality.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

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