1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:61 AND stemmed:constant)

TES2 Session 61 June 10, 1964 4/41 (10%) intervals antimatter pulsations negative instantaneous
– The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 61 June 10, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Instructed

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

What you have instead is constant, new creation of material, as energy fills the patterns. The sharpness or rigidity or quality of the perceived material depends on the energy which forms it, and the characteristics of matter therefore depend upon the position of the energy that fills the pattern; but by position, I think in terms of the arrival and departure of this energy as it passes through your field.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

We will take a good amount of time to cover this and allied subjects, as we must also deal with the pattern and its source. Since matter is constantly re-created, and instantaneous, many of your ideas of time are of course distorted, since you have taken it for granted that matter changes with, or in, time. You have judged a time interval by the seeming changes in a given material object.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

All material is energy, appearing in the physical field into patterns that have been prepared for it. The illusion of rigidity is the result of your own outer senses, a perception which is too slow to catch the constant pulsations, as bits of energy that compose material constantly disappear entirely and are replaced.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

When I use the word interval I am of course using it to make the idea understandable. The fact is, material on your field is composed of constant energy pulsations; and while to you the appearance is one of permanence to a fair degree, and while I have said that the pulsations are constant, nevertheless they are completely distinct, separate and new pulsations that are not continuous in the terms that you apply to one object that is continuous.

[... 19 paragraphs ...]

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