1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:60 AND stemmed:desir)
[... 57 paragraphs ...]
(Tuesday 6/9, 8:30 PM: This involved something new for me, and may be significant. First I had my usual thrilling sensation at the suggestion of lightness, once I had attained the desired state of light trance. Then, I became aware that I was watching and listening to a man in a light gray business suit. I saw him from the waist up, from a position just in back of his right side. I saw his profile. He had brown hair combed straight back, almost a double chin, a sharp nose and high forehead, and in his right hand he held a microphone; he was talking into it, giving a lecture on something to do with weights. The figure 700 was used, I recall. I heard his voice, which was pleasant and somewhat deep, quite clearly, and understood his remarks, but again forgot them as quickly as I heard them. I could not tell if he was with others or not.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]