1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:57 AND stemmed:he)
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(Jane, while trying psychological time on Tuesday, 5/26 at 11:15 AM, tried to project herself to Bill Macdonnel’s hospital room. She achieved a very brief glimpse of his face, eyes closed, nodding yes in answer to her question: Do you hear me? Checking with Bill later at the hospital, we learned he was asleep at this time. His condition is much improved and he is due for discharge Saturday.
(By 8:45 no witnesses had appeared. Up from her nap Jane felt both nervous and sleepy. The thought had come to her that Seth would discuss the self and the notself tonight. As session time approached our cat Willy put on one of his performances, persistently diving at Jane’s legs and ankles; as usual he calmed down as soon as the session began.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
Therefore a thought, surely one of the most intimate possessions of a self, does not remain within the self. The thought belongs to the individual from whose mind it sprang, and yet he does not really possess it. He can keep it but he cannot keep it. He can hold it as his own, and yet he cannot prevent it from passing on to others, though he presses his lips tightly and does not speak it aloud.
An individual or a self also cannot hide from others his own basic intent. It is his and yet, though he possesses it, he still cannot prevent others from sensing it. Along these lines there is much to be said in that many intangibles, considered most secret by the self, do not remain within the self. No skin or bones or skeletal cage can keep the thought of the self from going outward.
The skin and bone, being physical, are adequate barriers to bound other material, but they have no hold over what is not material. A man’s intent is subconsciously sensed by everyone with whom he comes in contact. Telepathy accounts for the usefulness of spoken language. Without telepathy no language would be intelligible. The outward layer of skin, while serving as a physical enclosure, serves as a physical enclosure only for the sake of convenience, as far as distinctions are concerned.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
Each self is therefore not only ejecting almost in missile fashion such energy from his own core, but he is also constantly impinged by such energy from others. He chooses to translate whatever portions of this energy he so chooses, back into forms that can be picked up and understood by his own mechanism.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
The individual self is, therefore, literally a part of what would seem to be completely different objects. In a shorthand you could say that the self is the object which he contemplates, since indeed he constructed the object to begin with from the self.
[... 17 paragraphs ...]
“I am myself” simply does not mean the same thing to a child, an adolescent, a young adult and an old adult. Though the individual may seem to be the same, and though he retains his memories, he is not the same; and, even his memories are colored by the various differences in what “I am myself” comes to mean.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
Again, may I say that I look in on you now and then. Ruburt’s idea of taking the children’s classes at the gallery is a good one. I have not had the opportunity to go into her Mrs. Masters but I shall do so. The salesman’s ability of Ruburt’s will serve him well in the children’s classes. I am rather surprised that he and his Mrs. Masters have managed to get along as well as they have. I would caution him to be very calm at the gallery during the next two weeks. And now good evening.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]