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TES2 Session 51 May 6, 1964 11/93 (12%) cooperation molecules atoms siren condensed
– The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 51 May 6, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Instructed

[... 27 paragraphs ...]

When the physical origin of your universe is finally discovered, your scientists will be no better off than they are now. They will immediately be up against the problem that above all others they have avoided for so long, that of the origin behind the origin. The simple fact needs restating. The physical universe, and everything in it, is the result of consciousness. It did not evolve consciousness. To the contrary, consciousness not only created the physical universe, but continues to do so.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Now, this constant creation of the physical universe is not maintained through some localized subconscious that exists somewhere between two ears, behind the forehead. The individual subconscious, as I have explained, is the result of a psychic pooling of resources and abilities. It is a gestalt, maintained and formed by the cooperating, generalized consciousness of each atom and molecule of which the physical body is composed.

Each individual atom within its generalized consciousness has the capacity, in some degree, to construct its portion of energy into physical construction. It is extremely important that you understand this fact, and realize that the individual cells, for example, lose no individuality in this process, and gain immeasurably, the whole physical structure of the body being the result of this cooperation of cells which are themselves the result of the cooperation of atoms and molecules.

This resulting pattern or physical body makes it possible for the cells, atoms and molecules to express themselves, and to fulfill abilities that would be impossible for them in another context. They share to some degree in the perspective reached through the abilities of a physically-large body structure, in a way that would be denied to them in other fashions.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

I hesitate to interrupt your social break. Nevertheless I will continue. It goes without saying that mankind is not alone in maintaining the physical universe, and in giving it continuity as he projects and constructs his own physical image; and as this image is the direct result of his own inner psychic climate, and as it reflects most faithfully his own inner joy and illness, and as this joy and illness shows itself physically in his image, so also do all living things construct their own images, and help to maintain the physical properties of your universe.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

The cause and effect theory, as I have stated, is a result of your ideas of time. As long as you persist in thinking in terms of past, present and future, then the cause and effect theory is a logical and seemingly infallible result. When you develop your time theory and realize that present, past and future are merely effects and distortions caused by your own perspective, then your scientists will realize that cause and effect is a passé and antiquated theory, useful only for a short time—I hope you appreciate the pun with the word time—and should be discarded.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I have rushed in one manner, giving you some excellent material to follow that last session, and yet the quality did not suffer, though I pushed Ruburt rather far. He was somewhat concerned since you have begun having witnesses, and you will see the material speaks for itself. This is a process of education. When you are asked about these sessions, that is your answer. On my part, I am an educator. Any results or so-called demonstrations will be the result of training, study, discipline and exercises.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

There is another reason. I do not want these sessions to get the reputation of giving demonstrations, for reasons that are rather complicated. The way in which I have given you the material results in a steady progression, and this is important. At later times my attitude may change. However, because of the attitude in the scientific world at large, these sessions should have a more sober climate, in that I do not want either of you to be thought of, in Ruburt’s words, as a pair of nuts.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now returning briefly, I would like again to mention our spacious present, in which all things have their existence. When the spacious present is understood, with its attributes of spontaneity, then the cause and effect theory will fall. The cause and effect theory being the result of continuity holds no water. Basically, the spacious present as you know does have durability, because of the existence of value fulfillment.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Any physical image brings up this problem. When does it actually attain life? You know of course that the consciousness is the first, the image is the second resulting phenomenon.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

It merely ceases to construct the physical image. There is no great mystery here. What seems a mystery is merely the result of ignorance. I always hesitate when we approach this subject, since your so-called spiritualists, while possessing some knowledge, usually cloak whatever knowledge they have in the gaudy robes of pseudo-occultism. They are fully as idiotic as Frank Watts in his Mason’s robes.

[... 21 paragraphs ...]

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