1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:50 AND stemmed:our)
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
I see that we will have a quiet session this evening. I understand that Ruburt has been having his difficulties, and as I have said often, patience is not one of his attributes. May I congratulate you, as well as myself, for our fiftieth session. It takes some doing on all of our parts. Two sessions a week is a very strict and heavy schedule, as you probably know for yourselves by now.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
(Break at 9:28. Jane was more fully dissociated than usual for a first monologue. Since this material was so interesting we decided to wait and see if Seth would take up our own personal experiences with psychological time later in this session. Jane resumed in the same low-key manner at 9:39.)
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
I suggest you take your break. I had some indecision, myself, as to whether or not to discuss with you matters dealing with any witnesses that might want to sit in on our sessions, and still may do so. Nevertheless at this point you seem to be holding your own. By all means take your break, and if it seems that I am shoving a lot at you this evening, it is only because I want to make the best of the time that we have.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
(Last Saturday Jane received several brief flashes from Seth; we have been concerned lately with the best way to handle the problem of witnesses—that is, to familiarize potential witnesses with the material, and at the same time keep our sense of privacy, and also maintain control of the sessions. Jane rather angrily cut Seth off, feeling this is a problem we must handle ourselves.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
The energy personality who desires to be materialized upon your plane, himself becomes part of this plane through the use of the inner senses. Through a process of diffusion—and this incidentally is our ninth inner sense—the energy personality first diffuses himself into many parts. Since entry into this plane, as a member of this plane, cannot be made in any other manner, it must be made in the simplest terms and be built up on your plane, your sperm being of course an entry in this respect.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
Our next rule, or law, of the inner universe is of course consciousness. Everything that exists on any plane and under any circumstances contains consciousness, condensed knowledge, and even self-awareness to some degree.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
Our next law of the inner universe is the capacity for infinite mobility, this occurring within the spacious present, which is an infinite spacious present.
Our next law is the law of infinite changeability and transmutation. That is, any given portion of energy has within it the capacity to take on any pattern or to form an infinite number of energy fields, each one giving forth a truly infinite variety of result.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
We will cover your experiences at another session. I am sorry to put you off, but tonight was an excellent night to give you the material we have covered; and I want to explain your experiences rather thoroughly, and also use them to delve further into our study of the inner senses. You have been doing particularly well, however. I told you that direct experience through the inner senses would be extremely vivid, and now you can realize this for yourself.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
The inner-sense material will also be tied in with our laws of the inner universe, since they are equipped to recognize them. If I neglected to mention Ruburt’s attire, let me here express my approval. I am going to end the session unless you have any questions, since the material came through so well.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
I do regret not discussing your experiences, since I know you were looking forward to their explanation. I wish you both a most delightful spring evening, what there is left of it, and as always hesitate to end our session. I found this one particularly pleasant.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]