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TES2 Session 50 May 4, 1964 14/67 (21%) condensed molecules creation combination diffusion
– The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 50 May 4, 1964 9 PM Monday as Instructed

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(While trying psychological time I had the following three experiences. All were very brief, and over before I realized I had received them: April 30: Young woman with wide open mouth; full-face closeup. May 2: Workman installing interchangeable green walls. May 3: High level 3/4 view of front half of two black, running horses.

(I made a list of these, added a quick sketch of the horses, and Jane’s Saratoga experience and ecstasy experience, pages 65 and 66; all with the idea of quizzing Seth about them at tonight’s session. These experiences with psychological time have become so intriguing and numerous that Jane and I devised a method to keep a list of them, in chronological order for quick reference.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Both of us napped until 8:45. No witnesses were scheduled. We felt quite relaxed, although as session time approached Jane felt somewhat nervous. She began to dictate in a normal voice, pacing slowly, and maintained these patterns all through the session. Her eyes darkened as usual.)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I see that we will have a quiet session this evening. I understand that Ruburt has been having his difficulties, and as I have said often, patience is not one of his attributes. May I congratulate you, as well as myself, for our fiftieth session. It takes some doing on all of our parts. Two sessions a week is a very strict and heavy schedule, as you probably know for yourselves by now.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

This creation involves not merely the juggling of energy units and fields, from one form to another, but also involves the setting up of new fields. This is oftentimes the result of value fulfillment, in which case all the given possibilities are bound to emerge, but each emergence is in the truest sense a creation.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Not only does it renew itself, but it generates more of itself. There is not as you may think some definite, finite amount of energy, from which all things must be created. There is instead, truly, an infinite amount of energy, and of this I am certain. Do not ask me, as yet, where this infinite amount of energy comes from. For one thing, I do not think in terms of cause and effect, and energy does not have a source in the terms with which you are familiar.

Creation, therefore, constantly continues, and not always along the lines of old patterns, but by means of completely different patterns. And another small but interesting point: On your own plane, there is a subconscious storehouse of knowledge, whereby it is known in a condensed fashion, by all molecules and atoms, exactly which variant or evolutionary attempts have been made, with what results—and always with an eye out, so to speak, for circumstances that might fit forms once adopted with failure, or to attempt other forms for which present circumstances may not be right. I have said that, first of all, molecules and atoms and even smaller particles, have a condensed consciousness.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

The atoms and molecules that make up all physical cells are not basically bound by your time. They act within the framework of your time, but the condensed knowledge that they contain carries with it its own peculiar and unique consciousness, that is not bound by your physical laws.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

All the cells in the body are individual, and have a separate consciousness. There are certainly gradations here, but the fact remains that every cell is a conscious cell. There is conscious cooperation between the cells in all the organs, and between all the organs themselves.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Here in a simple manner is a case in point. The molecules and atoms and even smaller particles, all contain their separate consciousness. They form into cells. Now, although the cells maintain individuality and do not lose any of their abilities, in this formation into cells there is actually a pooling of individual consciousness of atoms and molecules into, and to form, an individual cellular consciousness. Here the consciousness of each individual molecule or atom, by this psychic gestalt, gains immeasurably. The combination of individual consciousness into a combination forms a new, enlarged, more powerful cellular consciousness that is capable of much more experience and fulfillment than would be possible for the isolated atom or molecule.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

You will note that I said brain rather than mind. All of this will show itself to you in its truly logical perfection, in time, and much of this will be important in many seemingly diverse fields.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

I suggest you take your break. I had some indecision, myself, as to whether or not to discuss with you matters dealing with any witnesses that might want to sit in on our sessions, and still may do so. Nevertheless at this point you seem to be holding your own. By all means take your break, and if it seems that I am shoving a lot at you this evening, it is only because I want to make the best of the time that we have.

[... 17 paragraphs ...]

While it might sound impossible to you, this generalized molecular consciousness, which you would call subconscious, contains within it, in condensed genetic fashion, all knowledge of the inner workings of the universe, this knowledge being acted upon and instantly accessible when it is needed.

Your personal egotistical awareness has to do with your own camouflage universe, and with manipulation within it. Nevertheless, the condensed code-like comprehension of what I prefer to call the mental genes is at all times available, though not necessarily to the egotistic “I am.”

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

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