1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:49 AND stemmed:univers AND stemmed:conscious)
[... 33 paragraphs ...]
Hypnotism will be necessary, however, only for a time, and only to induce the light trance state. In the light trance state, the inner self is free from the camouflage nature of your plane, and the truly humorous aspect is this: Only by freeing yourself from your own camouflage universe can you see it clearly, understand it for what it is, and actually learn to use it for mankind’s best advantage.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
When this material begins to tally, when under trance many of the same answers are received, when it is discovered that the knowledge of the basic universe is contained within the living individual, and when there is no doubt that the solutions given are the same, then and only then will you begin to solve the problems that are before you.
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
In your dreams, when the conscious ego is stilled, you often and continually work this transformation, and we have gone into this problem. What we are concerned with is this reconstruction, but this reconstruction in durable enough terms so that communication can take place.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
No thought or idea is extinguished, and they all follow the laws which I am in the process of giving you. The growth of an idea takes up no space. I have explained that the expanding universe theory contains gross error, since the universe, the real universe, is expanding; but it is expanding in terms of value fulfillment and has nothing to do with expansion in space.
So do your dream images exist in the same manner, and you are as unaware of their existence as you are of your own subconscious existence. You do not know how you move across the floor. You are not conscious of each breath you take. You know that your muscles move, without your volition. You know you breathe, and in the same manner that you undertake physiological, biological and mental leaps and functions, so do you also create the reality of the dream world.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
You do transform ideas into image patterns, but they do not have durability or continuity on your plane. They do however, possess durability and continuity on another plane with which you are subconsciously familiar. These images are as independent of your conscious control as the inner workings of your own physical body are beyond your conscious control.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
I have begun to go into the laws of the universe of inner reality. However at this time I will not add to them further, since your visitors will only be confused until they are up to date. Nevertheless, I have said that these laws are reflected and followed through all camouflage planes, and in all manifestations, and this also applies to your dream world. I have spoken about fragments, both personality fragments and others, and these also follow the same laws.
Your animals possess a closer bond by means of the inner senses. Remember our analogy of the spider and its web. The web exists both in time and space, as all physical constructions do. That is why I have said that your universe does not exist in the same fashion as the web, simply because it is not bound by space or time. The universe expands, again, in terms of value fulfillment, and in ways which your outer senses cannot comprehend.
[... 33 paragraphs ...]