1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:49 AND stemmed:person)
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
Nevertheless in his case an excess, fervent nature has always been in existence, and even now his enthusiasms are extremely fervent, and although a humorous exterior personality now shows its face, nevertheless the extremely authoritative and sometimes too rigid nature holds the personality presently in bounds.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
The personality has endeavored to right old wrongs, and has succeeded to a great degree, but at the risk of sacrificing inner spontaneity, and even at the risk of losing the very authoritative aspects of his nature, so that there is still a tendency to follow rather than to lead; simply because in the period of the Inquisition he was in a place of authority, he led; and he led men into atrocities committed in the fine name of principle and religion. For this reason, while he is still tempted to lead, he allows himself to lead only in small ways, not trusting yet the judgment which at one time betrayed him.
There religious interests, therefore, are repeated in the present personality, but efforts are made to tie these ideas into the world of so-called reality. The interest in extrasensory perception, the interest in science and religion, all represent efforts on his part to tie various of his older personalities together, and to learn from their mistakes.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
The name of the relative is Ruth. I presume the name makes sense to you. Ruburt loves to block such personal data. However, I see that he let it come through undistorted. Bravo, Ruburt. I could hope that this would continue.
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
When tests are conducted, and this will take a while, but when tests are conducted in laboratories, using the trance, the controlled and disciplined trance, as a tool and an instrument, then very quickly you will be able to delve beneath personal subconscious material to other layers.
We have spoken of these other layers. For the edification of our esteemed visitors, I will quickly mention them. Beneath personal subconscious material you will find data, free, dealing with racial memories which will be of great benefit to psychologists and sociologists. Beneath this you will find material that is concerned with the beginnings of the species as a whole; and beneath this, and connected to it by the emotions, you will come to the boundaries of the inner self.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
I have explained to you how the inner self is connected to the present personality, and how the emotions at your end change through the layers of the subconscious, begin in your plane as parts of the personality, and as part of your force field, and then are transformed and become the inner-sense connective that connects the outer ego to the inner self.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]
In the dream world, you do and perform more than you realize. Secondary personality problems that cannot be taken up by the personality in regular life, for various reasons, are worked out as you know. What you do not realize, however, is that these images that you all create, have an existence independent of your knowledge, once you have created them.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
These images continue to work out problems that you have set for them, in the same manner that you work out problems as your present personality in one incarnation after another. These dream images also have their own free will, within limits. I have explained the reality behind all art. I have explained that the energy contained therein is regenerating, and although held within certain limits is constantly active. The same applies to the dream world, and in our experiments the same will also apply.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]
I have begun to go into the laws of the universe of inner reality. However at this time I will not add to them further, since your visitors will only be confused until they are up to date. Nevertheless, I have said that these laws are reflected and followed through all camouflage planes, and in all manifestations, and this also applies to your dream world. I have spoken about fragments, both personality fragments and others, and these also follow the same laws.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
As far as witnesses are concerned, and as far as the wife is concerned, I would suggest that you meet upon another evening, when a session is not due to begin with, and leave the matter to Ruburt. As far as I am concerned, I would quite welcome another young woman. Nevertheless, the overall personality is what matters, and since Ruburt delivers the sessions I will leave the matter to him.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
I would be doing you a disservice if I did. The enthusiasm is excellent. However, it should be channeled, and to some degree held within bounds for your own benefit. I do not mean to sound harsh. My feelings are not harsh. I have the advantage of knowing the background of your previous personalities.
[... 19 paragraphs ...]