1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:49 AND stemmed:bodi)
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
I would like to make a remark for your benefit, Joseph. The experience during psychological time, involving your own image by a body of water, was a most valid clairvoyant experience, in that you have not as yet visited this particular spot, and it was a glimpse into what you prefer to call the future.
[... 45 paragraphs ...]
I have gone into the reasons behind these sessions, and they can be read. We have a delicate balance here, and in the delicate balance itself lies the outgrowth and release of energy. I have mentioned earlier that in a dream experience, as far as the senses are concerned you may visit a particular location, experience a certain time duration; and yet the location does not exist and cannot be found in your space, and though you experience, say, five hours time in your dream, this perhaps takes up merely a flash of clock time, and the physical body does not age during the psychological dream experience in any proportion to the actual psychological reality involved. You are free of space, and to a large degree of time, in the sleeping state, because you are not using your energies to transform ideas into durable physical camouflage patterns.
You do transform ideas into image patterns, but they do not have durability or continuity on your plane. They do however, possess durability and continuity on another plane with which you are subconsciously familiar. These images are as independent of your conscious control as the inner workings of your own physical body are beyond your conscious control.
[... 26 paragraphs ...]
(On Tuesday, April 28, 1964, as she was dropping off to sleep, Jane experienced a rather unpleasant sensation within her body. She had, she said, an abrupt feeling as though she had been “hit over the head.” Her body did not move on the bed; she merely felt this very definite jolt within, at the top of her skull. No other sensation or experience followed, and she fell asleep.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
(My eyes were closed. My body began to feel extremely light, but a thrilling enveloped me. My forehead felt extremely cool, as if bonds of coolness went all around my head. The thrilling enveloped me completely, but in waves of stronger, then less intensity.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]