1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:49 AND stemmed:"creat realiti")
[... 11 paragraphs ...]
There religious interests, therefore, are repeated in the present personality, but efforts are made to tie these ideas into the world of so-called reality. The interest in extrasensory perception, the interest in science and religion, all represent efforts on his part to tie various of his older personalities together, and to learn from their mistakes.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
Your new friend can be called Mareth, M-a-r-e-t-h, which is the name most suitable for his entity. You realize that such names are translations, as indeed all of this material is a translation of realities into conceptual patterns, and from conceptual patterns into words. It is with the words, of course, that necessary distortions must occur.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
When it is understood that space and time are both camouflages, and that your cause and effect theory is a result of a continuity theory that no longer makes sense, then your scientists will recognize the impossibility of trying to decipher basic reality with camouflage instruments, and vehicles, that of themselves produce distortive theories, and only serve to probe further into a camouflage pattern.
[... 14 paragraphs ...]
Your visitors are not as yet acquainted with the inner ego, and I suggest that you fill them in. The point to remember here is that the results from the tests will be so valid that they will not be overlooked, and yet their validity will be different in quality. You remember what I have said about psychological experience. Psychological experience has no reality in space or time.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
In the dream world, you do and perform more than you realize. Secondary personality problems that cannot be taken up by the personality in regular life, for various reasons, are worked out as you know. What you do not realize, however, is that these images that you all create, have an existence independent of your knowledge, once you have created them.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
So do your dream images exist in the same manner, and you are as unaware of their existence as you are of your own subconscious existence. You do not know how you move across the floor. You are not conscious of each breath you take. You know that your muscles move, without your volition. You know you breathe, and in the same manner that you undertake physiological, biological and mental leaps and functions, so do you also create the reality of the dream world.
I have wanted to cover this because I can prove the existence of this dream world to you, and its continuity, always within the spacious present. You must understand psychological reality, psychological time, psychological experience, and the dream existence before you can learn to utilize many abilities, since in all the mentioned aspects, you use your abilities, that is your inner senses, on a subconscious level.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
I have gone into the reasons behind these sessions, and they can be read. We have a delicate balance here, and in the delicate balance itself lies the outgrowth and release of energy. I have mentioned earlier that in a dream experience, as far as the senses are concerned you may visit a particular location, experience a certain time duration; and yet the location does not exist and cannot be found in your space, and though you experience, say, five hours time in your dream, this perhaps takes up merely a flash of clock time, and the physical body does not age during the psychological dream experience in any proportion to the actual psychological reality involved. You are free of space, and to a large degree of time, in the sleeping state, because you are not using your energies to transform ideas into durable physical camouflage patterns.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
These images continue to work out problems that you have set for them, in the same manner that you work out problems as your present personality in one incarnation after another. These dream images also have their own free will, within limits. I have explained the reality behind all art. I have explained that the energy contained therein is regenerating, and although held within certain limits is constantly active. The same applies to the dream world, and in our experiments the same will also apply.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
This in many instances will be distasteful to many, but all physical constructions are transformations of energy made manifest as idea, and then constructed into physical reality. Without the idea you have no physical reality, and without belief that our aims are possible, there will be no achievement. The achievement gained, however, will then provide its own physical proofs.
I have begun to go into the laws of the universe of inner reality. However at this time I will not add to them further, since your visitors will only be confused until they are up to date. Nevertheless, I have said that these laws are reflected and followed through all camouflage planes, and in all manifestations, and this also applies to your dream world. I have spoken about fragments, both personality fragments and others, and these also follow the same laws.
[... 34 paragraphs ...]