1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:48 AND stemmed:time)

TES2 Session 48 April 27, 1964 22/84 (26%) essence location girl swimming circumferences
– The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 48 April 27, 1964 9 PM Monday as Instructed

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(At 8:30 Jane and I tried psychological time. Jane did not notice anything; I obtained the results detailed on page 48.

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

Your experience this evening represents a journeying, and I offer you my congratulations. As time passes you will be able to maintain durability, as far as such journeys are concerned. We are only at the threshold.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

It will take some time before you will be able to maintain such an experience long enough to make such contact, but if possible give your own name and address, and also ask that whoever you meet write to you. This of course will aid in validity.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

In some instances the physical body stays in its original location, and the personality-essence moves through camouflage space and time. That is, the personality-essence, realizing that space and time are merely camouflages, is therefore free to behave accordingly.

[... 10 paragraphs ...]

Each time you practice with the use of psychological time, you add to your abilities, though results may not always be immediate. There is conditioning involved here, as with anything else, but this represents one of your very highest points so far, and I am certain that you will improve. You show a good deal of ability along this line, and possess an inner willingness to experiment, that will stand you in very good stead.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

It is possible to pick the places you will visit. Whether or not you can achieve such purposeful visits at this time, I do not know. However, you can most certainly try. You are further along than even I had imagined, and so it is possible that such purposeful visits are within your abilities now. At all such occasions, try to establish some kind of contact if possible, but do not be discouraged if this is not achieved at once.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

The reason that these things are done so infrequently is because the personality-essence finds itself so unable to give up belief in camouflage time and space. You must be convinced, deeply, not only that such feats are possible, but that you can achieve them; and then you must also train yourself to perfect your own abilities.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

If you hear people talking, remember to listen to what they are discussing, and the language in which they speak. Now, I am talking of probability rather than immediate possibility. It is not impossible, however, at all to travel seemingly through time as well as space. I say seemingly because this traveling really has little to do with transportation as such.

Since both space and time are camouflages, to speak of traveling through them is basically meaningless. What is involved here is a transformation of energy, and on your plane an extension of personality essence that permits an extension of perception. I will make this clearer at a later date.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Time as you know it, is simply ignored as an element here. It takes no time for you to journey, using the inner senses, from Elmira to New York. You are simply operating in a different dimension.

Psychological time, as I have said often, comes extremely close to the climate in which I have my existence, and which you exist in, but unconsciously. Experience with psychological time, and a continuous familiarity with it, will tell you more than words can about the basic realities of all existence.

Death, at first, feels like psychological time. There is a period when you retain the idea of camouflage time, before full freedom enters in, and a small lapse before orientation is possible.

The use of psychological time will make the experience of death much less frightening. You will already have learned to recognize the spacious present for what it is, and the conscious ego will not be so bewildered and confused by the sudden perception that is involved.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(However, something different now entered in when she began dictating again. She had been resting in our favorite chair, the Kennedy rocker. Instead of getting up and pacing again, she began dictating while still seated. Her eyes were closed, and remained so. She rocked gently back and forth, speaking in a normal voice. Since this was a departure from her usual procedure I watched her closely. I thought that if she appeared to be slipping into a deeper trance state it might be wise to interrupt the session. But at no time did I feel that this was happening. Resume at 10:03.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

A note here, about Ruburt. He is in good shape. The fact that he has manuscripts out always makes him impatient, and particularly this time of year, affects his chemical balance. He is learning to control this to some extent, for which you should be grateful. I mention this merely to lessen his worries on the subject.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

By all means get your vitamins, incidentally, and I would suggest that you take them on a regular everyday basis. You are using, both of you, much energy in these sessions. You are learning to use other energy than your own. Nevertheless this takes time also, and the vitamins will help.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

(“Good night, Seth.” End at 10:23. Jane said she had been dissociated to a greater degree than ever before while in the rocker, but that it still was not a state of deep trance. She had not been worried. Her thought at the time had been that she wasn’t sure how far Seth would go with the trance state.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(This evening, Tuesday, April 28, 1964, while trying psychological time, between 10:03 and 10:25, I had two brief but interesting experiences.

(In the first one, after lying quietly for some time, and approaching the necessary state [close to sleep yet not asleep, but unaware of my body lying on the bed], I saw myself; I was at a public swimming pool in the summertime, although I saw no one else. I saw myself from the right side, striding purposefully along with vigorous step, carrying over my right arm a neatly folded white towel. Evidently I wore a bathing suit, but it was obscured by the towel, and I could not see its color. I did see my bare torso and lower legs.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(The second experience came shortly after the above. This time I was myself. I was dressed in colorful summer sportclothes and wearing a cap. Again it was a bright summer day. In my right hand I held either a sheaf of papers or a road map; I did not look at what I held. I was leaning against the endpipe, or post, of a modern, steel meshwork type of fence that reached rather high above me—several feet in fact. Before me was a very large parking lot, full of cars. I saw nobody else.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(As I stood learning against the post in the bright sunlight, I suddenly heard my name called out, in a high-pitched, plaintive, feminine voice: “Ro-o-bert...” The effect was quite startling, very distinct and definite, and the first time I have had an audio experience.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Shirley White, in the summer of 1964, corner of Walnut & Water. She called to me from a car making a left turn off the Walnut Street bridge, by Water St. Jane & I were standing on the lawn by our apartment house. When I heard Shirley call me I had my thrilling sensation. Yet, because the setting was different I was not sure this was it, & doubted the connection. Did not ask Seth. Still not sure, Dec. 1964, but note this down to retain it. This is the only time that I know of, so far, when someone has called me Robert. The manner of the call was very much like my psy-time experience.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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