1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:47 AND stemmed:person)
[... 13 paragraphs ...]
These abilities have manifested themselves in various ways, and he has often taken upon himself tasks also of a sacrificial nature. In past lives he never enjoyed the fleshy nature with which you Joseph, and Ruburt, and Mark were so outlandishly endowed. He was in almost all cases an esthetic personality, four times a woman; two of these times a priestess, and once as a nun in the Middle Ages. The personality in many respects has been rigid, in that its purpose was so undeviatingly certain and severe that it allowed no room for levity or diversion.
Again, the pattern begins to make itself known. The rigidity, while conducive to the development of creativity, also has temptations, in that a certain pride can become psychically sterile or ingrown. However in this existence the personality has opened up to a more considerable degree, and for its own development should continue to do so.
[... 10 paragraphs ...]
All this involves training. It involves discipline, and then there is freedom. The esthetic nature inherent in Roarck’s personality will equip him to follow along very well. Let him also take to heart my little sermon on humility. Mark can forget it. His personality needs all the building up it can get.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
If you are of the mind, Joseph, you may subtract the minutes of tonight’s session from your next session. However, I would personally think it rather small.
[... 15 paragraphs ...]
—laughing, I must say, in overwhelming mirth at this esthetic nature of its own personalities, that so often closes out joy and freedom, and the pleasures of nature on your plane.
Here we have Roarck’s overall entity, laughing with mirth but also with compassion, for while the entity enjoys all that is, the personalities have often turned their backs upon very much, in order to pursue esthetic purpose. At another time we will go into this more deeply, but Roarck recognized the picture, and subconsciously saw himself. In many ways he and Mark have opposing personalities, and yet basically the entities are similar to some startling degree.
There is much more to be said here. Even now until the almost immediate present, Roarck has followed in this life his esthetic leaning. He chose to be born under rather poor circumstances, and until the near present made little real or rather effective attempts, but only halfhearted attempts, to seek better conditions for his present personality. He was not an only child, and yet he felt himself to be an only child.
There is a strong inclination toward protection in his personality. This is partially wholesome and partially the result of fear on his part. I hope that he will attend a regular session. He was also in Mesopotamia.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
(End at 11:40. Jane was dissociated as usual. Bill received a nine-word sentence of Jane’s during delivery, before she voiced it. He gave me his notes to put into the record. Jim stated that the personal information about himself was correct, although neither Jane nor myself had any knowledge of these things, having met him but briefly on a few occasions some months ago.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
(The entrance to Charles Biro’s offices was at the end of a hallway, as I remember, and the door to the anonymous office I visited tonight is next door to it. Tonight, I stood inside this open office door. To my left was a narrow window of vertical design, with either an aluminum or stainless steel frame. Looking out of this window, which was perhaps only two feet wide, I could see a shining aluminum or steel guardrail, and that even if a person managed to jump or fall out of this window, the safety of a stone parapet lay perhaps ten feet below. The time was daylight.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]