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TES2 Session 47 April 24, 1964 10/76 (13%) Roarck Jim esthetic a.s.p.r office
– The Early Sessions: Book 2 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 47 April 24, 1964 10:25 PM Friday Unscheduled

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Last Wednesday afternoon, April 22, 1964, Jim Beckett visited me briefly. He is a computer service technician whom Jane and I had met but two or three times some months ago, before the sessions began. We became acquainted with him when he was a TV repairman. He is also a ham radio operator and a science-fiction fan; thus the three of us got along well from the beginning, when we met Jim as he called to service our TV. But after this first acquaintance we had not seen him since, and often wondered what happened to him.

(Jim visited Jane at the gallery and she invited him to the house on Friday night so that we could discuss Seth. Jim also wanted to tell us about two of his friends who had been running some telepathy tests with personnel at the parapsychology lab at Duke University. Jim would attempt to bring one of the friends with him Friday. Bill Macdonnel, the witness to the 46th session, would also be there.

(Jim’s friend was unable to come, but Jim, Bill, Jane and I began to discuss Seth at about 7:30 Friday night. We also discussed the letter of April 23, received today, from the A.S.P.R., asking us to cease sending in copies of these sessions unless they contained specific information of Seth’s promised tests. Jane and I feel that we cannot rush her development, nor do we have any desire to, so the letter left us somewhat at a loss; we finally decided to let events take their course, and send the A.S.P.R. any data in which they might be interested, when, if ever, it manifested itself.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(I then showed Jim and Bill the two drawings of my visions of the night before; I did the drawings this afternoon. The drawing of the head, with the brimming eyes, struck Jim rather forcibly. In his quiet way he said the drawing was very disturbing to him, and mentioned this several times after I had put them away. Both Jim and Bill thought the other one, of the girl and dog, quite gruesome. As it happened, both drawings were rather successful; I felt I had done a good job of getting my memory of the visions down on paper.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Nor is it any coincidence that the picture which you drew as a result of your vision struck him so forcibly. Roarck is the name of your acquaintance; it is the name of Jim’s entity, and about this I will have more to say.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

(Jim reported that he felt strong chills as the session got underway, and that he still felt them to a lesser degree during break. When Jane began dictating again her voice was as strong as before, and as emphatic. Resume at 10:50.)

[... 24 paragraphs ...]

(Break at 11:15. Jane was fully dissociated. Jim felt more comfortable now, his chills had abated; my hand was okay; and Bill had a list of perhaps two dozen instances wherein he had known beforehand what series of words Jane would use to present certain thoughts. The phrases were three and four words long.

(Bill was also curious to know why he had written down, in his own notes, that Jim was once a monk; whereas Seth had stated that Jim had been a nun, in the Middle Ages.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(Here, Jane laughed and pointed repeatedly at Jim Beckett. At the same time, I felt my familiar sensation, the thrilling tingling feeling of sound, begin to build up in my legs. It never became prominent, yet lingered for a few minutes.)

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

(End at 11:40. Jane was dissociated as usual. Bill received a nine-word sentence of Jane’s during delivery, before she voiced it. He gave me his notes to put into the record. Jim stated that the personal information about himself was correct, although neither Jane nor myself had any knowledge of these things, having met him but briefly on a few occasions some months ago.

[... 15 paragraphs ...]

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