1 result for (book:tes2 AND session:43 AND stemmed:qualiti)
[... 28 paragraphs ...]
Take two paintings of the same shape and size; that is, two paintings that take up the same amount of space in your universe. One painting is extremely crude and poorly done. The other painting not only seems of superior quality, but also appears to undergo a continual transformation while still taking up the same amount of space.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
You think of space as an emptiness to be filled because on your plane you fill what you call space with camouflage patterns. And I repeat: instead true space, fifth dimensional space, is the vitality and stuff of all existence itself, vital and alive, from which all other existences are woven through means which I have outlined so far in a rather sketchy fashion. Even on your plane quality, which represents a kind of expansion, does not necessarily imply an expansion of space. The universe expands continually in a qualitative manner that has nothing to do with space as it is usually envisioned. And the expansion is more vivid and valid than I can possibly explain to you at this time.
I suggest a brief break. We managed to get some excellent material through so far, for which I am most thankful, and the quality of the material just given transcended your time and space, the expansion of quality in this case existing independently.
[... 12 paragraphs ...]
As far as Ruburt’s fat hands and your own are concerned, this is in a very limited manner a hint of the qualities of extension that can be expected. This is of an entirely different kind of experience, having nothing to do with our discussion immediately previous. This extension involves a reaching out of tissue capsule. The degree is rather limited, the opposite experience being one of contraction. This can be compared most clearly to a pulsation, or really a beat that can follow a more or less regular rhythm.
[... 37 paragraphs ...]