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TES1 Session 40 April 1, 1964 15/116 (13%) spider capsule plane desk web
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 40 April 1, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Instructed

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(And of course by now both of us felt better, being more used to our new schedule. As the session began Willy continued to doze peacefully on the divan. Jane paced at a normal rate, her eyes darkened as usual, and her voice grew slightly husky.)

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

(“Now why?”)

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

You are quite right. The solution hit upon is an excellent one, and I had nothing to do with it, having decided that I was much safer if I left such decisions to you from now on. All joking aside, this latest idea should really be an excellent one, and I would have suggested it myself except that I could not get through to Ruburt. He has felt guilty over the thought of taking any space from you, and the guilt made him feel resentful.

[... 20 paragraphs ...]

The portrait that you sent to the gallery is evocative. It continues to grow. It is not completely at the mercy of a completed camouflage. The whole self is never completely constructed on your plane. At best it finds expression now and then. A camouflage plane, merely by being what it is, makes it impossible for the whole self to find expression. There is almost hypnotic focus of energy for a particular time for a particular reason.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Now that we have briefly discussed the meaning of a tissue capsule I will go into the seventh inner sense a bit more deeply. This sense allows for an expansion or contraction of the tissue capsule. Theoretically there is no limit to the contraction or expansion allowed, but practically there are usually definite limitations.

(Now Jane, as Seth, began a most entertaining performance. To this point Jane had been sober, quiet and dignified. Now she began to grin broadly. Often, to emphasize a point, she would lean over my desk, smiling. She appeared to be enjoying herself very much. Her eyes were very dark. The very tone of her voice changed to one of amusement. I have seen Jane display mirth in the sessions before, but this period of such feeling lasted far longer. Now she tapped on my desk.)

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

Funny because you think of them as vehicles traveling through your own camouflage space. Any vehicles would travel through their own camouflage space, and in some instances are doing so, even now, in the so-called space taken up by your earthly universe.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(A Kennedy rocker sat opposite my desk. Now Jane sat down there. She laughed. Her eyes were merry. She sipped at a small glass of wine as she dictated to me. It was one of the few times I had seen her sit down during a session.)

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Now this does not mean that a stationary body of any kind cannot materialize itself upon another plane. And if it does, it of necessity must in some manner surround itself with the constructions or camouflage of the particular plane which it attempts to enter. This takes a high level of inner development.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

(Now Jane rose and began to pace about once again.)

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

This value or quality is simply beyond the boundary of your camouflage (underline) existence. There is no camouflage yardstick by which it can be measured, and yet as Ruburt will certainly testify it is a startling, valid and memorable experience. I will bring this to the foreground now more often in our sessions, as it is most valuable. Like an ordinary psychological experience it cannot be measured on your terms, and yet makes a noticeable impression upon the individual involved.

Now I would like to make a few remarks in connection with the inner senses.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Scientists will begin to look for easier methods, and believe it or not, the first really important discovery will be made by an orthodox scientist out of pure desperation. The scientific communities are even now being forced to consider the possibilities of telepathy as a means of communication, and they will be forced further and further along these lines.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

I am making up in value on another scale entirely for the last time. It is very possible that you both may need a rest now and then, and if so you will get it. But for quite a while it will not involve missing sessions but shortening them. Right now you are both doing extremely well. Ruburt, incidentally, was right. I had intended giving you a week off after your first thirty sessions. However you didn’t ask for them, and you didn’t seem to need a vacation, so I took advantage of it.

[... 30 paragraphs ...]

(The feeling lasted for a few minutes. And Jane, remarking that she had experienced the same thing at 10:30 break, then made the intuitive leap to connect her own episodes of hand phenomena with the feeling of bodily enlargement she had experienced on March 30. See page 309. Neither of us had made this connection before, but Jane now felt sure that her fat hands had been the forerunners of a fuller use of the seventh inner sense.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

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