1 result for (book:tes1 AND session:36 AND stemmed:statement)

TES1 Session 36 March 18, 1964 3/92 (3%) distortions choice arrived ache meddling
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 36 March 18, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Instructed

[... 29 paragraphs ...]

As for the test I mentioned. If there is any doubt in the future, for one thing check the portion of the material in which the doubtful statement is made. If this occurs in the very beginning of a session or at the very end, then do not panic. I truly have never seen such panic in such an instance as I saw on your face, dear Joseph.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Just don’t be anxious, Ruburt. Also on checking wait for a few minutes, Joseph, and then ask the doubtful question again, or rephrase the statement into a question. Wait a good five minutes, but no more than fifteen minutes.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The validity of this whole material will show clearly through whatever distortions ever arise, and the material itself will provide more and more proof for its statements as we continue. At a much later date the very type of communication will evolve into something much clearer, more vivid; and while words will always play some part, other elements will be added in the future that will actually be evidence for the material. That is, the means will also be an end.

[... 57 paragraphs ...]

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