1 result for (book:tes1 AND session:36 AND stemmed:he)
[... 12 paragraphs ...]
So choices between various alternatives are narrow on your level because of other limitations set by the entity itself. In other words, the entity, using its own— mark the Mark: Mark has arrived. This is a little instance in which Ruburt did not block me. Let your friend in and request that he be seated.
[... 8 paragraphs ...]
The reason is rather simple and in fact quite understandable; and the point here is that Ruburt cannot use conscious caution in these matters in any manner. I am even, and this is quite unusual for me, hesitant at bringing him to discipline here, since he is usually so concerned about subconscious distortion that I do not want to imprint the suggestion in his mind.
Nevertheless the fact remains that he boo-booed, that such errors, while unavoidable at times at this stage, are most regrettable and apt to cast a slur upon the material as a whole.
[... 9 paragraphs ...]
You should not, and I repeat this, grow panicky at the thought of distortions occurring, simply because to expect no distortions is just as unrealistic, and would send you flying headlong against an eventual wall of disillusion. We are not dealing with rigidities. Ruburt will improve. I do not want to set up a fear that is an exaggerated fear of distortions, since this might well make him so rigid that he would block perfectly valid material, fearing he was adding distortion.
[... 6 paragraphs ...]
I am quite certain, Joseph, that for once Ruburt does not appreciate your humorous remarks made during break. Quite innocently and oh so exuberantly he leaped upon the chance to show in the record how right I was and how wrong he was, but there you have it.
And incidentally, do not blame your friend for not arriving. You are not going to make him over, and he tries very hard within the limits set by his entity. And now if all the fireworks are over, may I return to the subject from which I was so uproariously interrupted.
[... 3 paragraphs ...]
(Jane and I had discussed this problem at supper time. Her explanation had sounded better than mine, and tallied closely with Seth’s presentation above. We had been hoping he would discuss it during the session.)
[... 4 paragraphs ...]
Nor could he purposely set out for such a journey as a rule. Animals, many times using their own inner senses, have made such journeys, but their conscious apparatus alone would not permit it. In like manner such choice possibilities exist for human personalities, but to all intents and purposes they do not exist because the personality is too limited to take advantage of them.
Many limitations are set upon personalities by their own entities for karmic reasons. I want to make it plain that free will does exist, but that it is limited through use of a more extended free will on the part of the entity. Also, the inner ego is aware of so-called future decisions not because he forces such decisions upon the outer ego but simply because the future as such does not exist to the inner ego, and therefore he can perceive where the outer ego cannot.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
The ache in Ruburt’s shoulder for example was an indication of nervousness; although consciously he was not bothered, unconsciously he knew that your friend would not arrive on time, and this disturbed him to some degree.
The ache was the physical and nervous construction of his subconscious irritation. I would like to make another note, and I believe I may have mentioned this. I know Ruburt at one time or another was aware of it. I have nothing against Ruburt’s reading of the material of course. I strongly suggest, however, that he does not in the future read the material on the night of a session. It only makes him apprehensive and nervous.
Patting myself on the back, I may elaborate. The complexity of the material sends him for a loop. He studies it, worries about keeping up what he sometimes thinks of his fine performance, and could end up by ruining mine.
[... 1 paragraph ...]
I do not mean that Ruburt should not read the material, but he should not read it immediately before a session. It overawes him. I do use much of his subconscious knowledge. I do draw upon the knowledge of his own inner ego. He is helping me very much as it is, but please, Ruburt, do not meddle. Tonight with your overhasty pronouncements on my part you meddled, however innocently.
[... 30 paragraphs ...]