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TES1 Session 36 March 18, 1964 16/92 (17%) distortions choice arrived ache meddling
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 36 March 18, 1964 9 PM Wednesday as Instructed

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

(At 9:00 PM Bill had not arrived. I for one was quite upset by this. Jane was not beginning the session, either. She did say, “I feel a great humorous sense of waiting that isn’t mine.” She said this concept hung above her. As the minutes passed she began to pace slowly back and forth. At 9:05 she began to dictate. Throughout the session her voice was a bit stronger than normal, her pace rather slow, her eyes dark as usual.)

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

Free choice therefore is not the widerange experience that you suppose. The possibilities are certainly not endless in any real sense. That is, while in theory any personality can choose to travel extensively, this really has no meaning for a large percentage of personalities because of their own peculiar makeup.

[... 32 paragraphs ...]

It is quite true that the inner ego is aware through the inner senses of any choices that the outer ego will make with the use of free will. This does not mean that decisions are in any way predetermined. It only means that the inner ego is not bound by the dimensions in which those free will choices are made.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

Your clock time as you know is camouflage, and does not exist as far as the inner ego is concerned. This certainly should not be strange to you, since you know that even your present personalities can to some extent escape from clock time through the use of psychological time. I have said that there is no time without barriers. The inner ego is aware of fewer barriers and therefore is not bound by time to the degree that the outer ego is bound.

Tuesday does not exist to the inner ego. Your outer ego is now experiencing the camouflage time year of 1964. This simply does not exist to the inner ego, therefore the inner ego is effortlessly aware of any choices or decisions that you may make freely in say 1970. It does not affect your choice. It has absolutely nothing to do with whatever future choice you may make. It is aware of such future choices simply because the camouflage future does not exist for it.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

Nor could he purposely set out for such a journey as a rule. Animals, many times using their own inner senses, have made such journeys, but their conscious apparatus alone would not permit it. In like manner such choice possibilities exist for human personalities, but to all intents and purposes they do not exist because the personality is too limited to take advantage of them.

Many limitations are set upon personalities by their own entities for karmic reasons. I want to make it plain that free will does exist, but that it is limited through use of a more extended free will on the part of the entity. Also, the inner ego is aware of so-called future decisions not because he forces such decisions upon the outer ego but simply because the future as such does not exist to the inner ego, and therefore he can perceive where the outer ego cannot.

Although someone begins reading this material on page one, for example, this does not mean that page four hundred does not already exist. Your outer ego is forced into what could be called successive action, but the inner ego is not so bound. This should make the point more clear. I mentioned earlier that cause and effect operates in various manners, and what seems to be cause and effect is often merely a result of your necessary disposition to view actions in a successive manner.

Because you are forced at this point to perceive actions in a separate and successive fashion you more or less naturally take it for granted that one thing causes another, or that one action could not occur before another that appears to follow it. This is of course not the case, although it is an example of the distortions you get when you rely upon the outer senses only.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

I do not mean that Ruburt should not read the material, but he should not read it immediately before a session. It overawes him. I do use much of his subconscious knowledge. I do draw upon the knowledge of his own inner ego. He is helping me very much as it is, but please, Ruburt, do not meddle. Tonight with your overhasty pronouncements on my part you meddled, however innocently.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Now, both of you have particularly strongly-developed latent abilities as far as the inner senses are concerned. Otherwise these sessions would not be possible. It is true that at the present time your abilities vary in direction, yet they complement each other in action and therefore in result.

Ruburt uses dissociation in order to free his abilities so that they may be used more effectively. The telepathy occurrence with your witness is an example. However it is also true that this opening allows me entry. Joseph, you will find that your experiences with the inner senses occur often at split moments of dissociation.

I had intended this evening to go into our third inner sense and instead ended up with other materials. We still have very much on the inner senses to cover. Not only will they be named but you will be given exercises in their separate use. Again, this is difficult, because for me they operate in a more coordinated and organized pattern.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

The temporary and apparent sense of freedom from the camouflage pattern oftentimes leads the subject or student into a false sense of freedom from it in daily life, and causes a lack of ego discipline that should be maintained. Our method does not involve such dangerous territory.

[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Not the sort of thing to which I am referring. I will go into this at a later date. I prefer to give you more data on the other inner senses first, since it will make the rest so much clearer.

Before we close I want to mention the importance of the third inner sense with the experience of concept patterns. The third inner sense, involving what you would call perception of past, present and future, is the sense that enables the inner ego and entities to experience direct concept-patterns, and free them therefore from successive cause and effect limitations.

[... 5 paragraphs ...]

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