1 result for (book:tes1 AND session:33 AND stemmed:telepathi AND stemmed:oper)

TES1 Session 33 March 9, 1964 2/192 (1%) limb confidence wind Kennedy permission
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 33 March 9, 1964 9 PM Monday as Instructed

[... 22 paragraphs ...]

I do have a structure nevertheless, and I can change or interchange the components of that structure so as to appear or operate under vastly different conditions. During these sessions I use my basic energy components in a different manner than I would under other circumstances. In other words, I change the alignment of my components, focusing my powers into one particular direction.

[... 37 paragraphs ...]

I am giving you data in my own way, somewhat conservatively compared with what you might want, rather than risk any more distortions than absolutely necessary. But we will progress and as a rule I prefer that Ruburt does not know many of my intentions, as he did not know during the incidents of telepathy with your John-Philip, since I do not want him to set up guards in advance.

[... 130 paragraphs ...]

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