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TES1 Session 31 March 2, 1964 6/94 (6%) camouflage creation killing plane entities
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 31 March 2, 1964 Monday 9 PM as Instructed

[... 27 paragraphs ...]

If you use psychological time as I have told you, you will get immediate firsthand experience of many facets of reality which take me pages to explain with the indirect use of words. All entities basically are self-aware portions of energy or vitality. They are self-generating and there is no possibility of thinking in terms of either beginning or end. Again, it is only your own camouflage-imprisoned data which makes you think that everything has a beginning and an end.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

In a very simple example, consider that you yourself use your own energy to create your dream world. In this way also you create your so-called real camouflage world, the only difference being that the dream world images do not have duration in physical time although they have duration in psychological time. And believe it or not, actually your individuality has much more freedom in the creation of your dream world, and this is the reason why the dream world does not appear consistent to others.

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

Nevertheless it also partakes of the strange unity that unites all personalities beneath the camouflage pattern, while at the same time it is only partially connected to the camouflage pattern. In some respects art creations are a meeting of the dream world and the world of camouflage patterns, but in a deeper way art creations represent the appearance or materialization in the actual element of physical time of inner realities. That is, the inner individualistic self forces its vision and knowledge into the world of camouflage pattern, giving its dreams a physical reality denied to the usual dream. And here the use of energy for this purpose is conscious, that is the strong hidden self actually makes use of the camouflage conscious self and molds the two into a reality that combines two planes. This I hope will become clear as you read it over.

[... 7 paragraphs ...]

In the last analysis the channel for vitality or for vitality’s transformation into physical matter is of course the inner senses’ ability, and there is a counteraction here as far as the conscious ego is concerned. The conscious ego often blocks much energy. In dreams the blocking is minimized.

[... 35 paragraphs ...]

It is most beneficial for Ruburt to be fairly well self-disciplined this period of the year, for reasons that I will go into later. A quiet schedule is important for him through April at least. Not boredom, dear Ruburt, you don’t have to worry. That is, a quiet schedule will help him direct and discipline and use beneficially the sudden spurt of nervous energy which sometimes overwhelms him.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

(End at 11:38. Jane was very tired. She said that toward the end of the session she got the idea that our furniture-moving bout had helped get me through my danger period, which is the last part of winter, and that it had also taken care of her own first springtime burst of energy.)

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