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TES1 Session 31 March 2, 1964 18/94 (19%) camouflage creation killing plane entities
– The Early Sessions: Book 1 of The Seth Material
– © 2012 Laurel Davies-Butts
– Session 31 March 2, 1964 Monday 9 PM as Instructed

[... 8 paragraphs ...]

The question has to do with the so-called creation of your universe, the introduction of entities upon it, and of course with the cause or causes behind such creation. You know by now that you create your own camouflage-patterned universe, and I have tried to cover some of the mechanisms involved in this continuous, seemingly automatic creation.

If this were fully understood you see, then there would not be the necessity of looking for some god. I am certainly not going into the God concept at this time, though you can be certain that I will cover it thoroughly, since it is itself an idea camouflage covering something much different.

You know then that you yourselves create your universe and that each generation creates it anew in its own image. There is a growth principle operating in the realm of ideas and in the construction of these ideas into camouflage patterns.

The patterns evolve according to certain laws. They merely reflect the ideas behind them, and these ideas you must realize originate from different sources. They originate in the subconscious, it is true, but before this an idea quality is received by the inner senses. Sometimes this idea quality is received as intuition, where it sparks into the conscious mind. But the conscious ego is the primary manipulator of camouflage patterns and the obvious mover. The actual material from which camouflage patterns are formed is the vitality which exists and which is unconsciously used by your personalities.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

The conscious ego then manipulates this material for the purposes of camouflage constructions. The transformation of vitality into physical properties is done by this self-conscious self that faces the inner world. The subconscious is the link between these two self-consciousnesses, and here you find an acceptance by the camouflage personality of the materials at hand.

At the same time the camouflage consciousness cannot be aware of the actual originator, and therefore must look for causes from the outside. In your dual system, that is, the two self-consciousnesses are more divided and alien to themselves than need be. The old idea of spirits pervading all physical matter actually represents an intuitive glimpse into reality that your sciences will finally arrive at in a long labored manner.

[... 12 paragraphs ...]

If you use psychological time as I have told you, you will get immediate firsthand experience of many facets of reality which take me pages to explain with the indirect use of words. All entities basically are self-aware portions of energy or vitality. They are self-generating and there is no possibility of thinking in terms of either beginning or end. Again, it is only your own camouflage-imprisoned data which makes you think that everything has a beginning and an end.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

In a very simple example, consider that you yourself use your own energy to create your dream world. In this way also you create your so-called real camouflage world, the only difference being that the dream world images do not have duration in physical time although they have duration in psychological time. And believe it or not, actually your individuality has much more freedom in the creation of your dream world, and this is the reason why the dream world does not appear consistent to others.

[... 9 paragraphs ...]

I would like to go back to the difference between the dream world and the outside camouflage world again.

The self-conscious self on the other side of the subconscious has a freer hand in the creation of your dreams, since you are the only personality to whom they must be comprehensible. The camouflage world must be dependable, therefore you do not have such individualistic freedom.

[... 3 paragraphs ...]

Nevertheless it also partakes of the strange unity that unites all personalities beneath the camouflage pattern, while at the same time it is only partially connected to the camouflage pattern. In some respects art creations are a meeting of the dream world and the world of camouflage patterns, but in a deeper way art creations represent the appearance or materialization in the actual element of physical time of inner realities. That is, the inner individualistic self forces its vision and knowledge into the world of camouflage pattern, giving its dreams a physical reality denied to the usual dream. And here the use of energy for this purpose is conscious, that is the strong hidden self actually makes use of the camouflage conscious self and molds the two into a reality that combines two planes. This I hope will become clear as you read it over.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I suggest a brief break, and let me congratulate you my dear Joseph upon your latest manipulation of camouflage pattern in terms of your entryway. You will find it very beneficial. It will however mark the end of my suggestions. If possible heed the ones I have already made, but unless queried I will leave your physical situation at rest as it is very much better now.

[... 6 paragraphs ...]

The inner senses operate on all planes and under all circumstances. The outer senses vary according to plane and circumstance. The outer senses are dependable only in terms of the definite plane for which they were constructed. Their purpose of course is to enable the conscious personality to recognize as valid camouflage patterns which are only valid under certain conditions.

On your particular kind of culturally organized grouping the camouflage is necessarily strong, and the outside senses correspondingly vivid. This of course is bound to block some inner data. At the same time it is the inner vitality which creates the camouflage to begin with. Joseph was right when he spoke of entities creating stages upon which to act out their problems. The point of course being that once the play begins the actors are so completely immersed in their roles that they forget that they themselves wrote the play, constructed the sets, or are even acting. The reason for this is rather apparent.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

I am not worried that I am going to disturb the balance that exists, far from it. The fact is that realization to some degree can come and often does come after the play is well under way, and at this point the camouflage action is so involved that the realization itself appears in the framework of the camouflage, and is often indistinguishable from it.

Art creations represent such an awareness, but here the creation of another plane must be intertwined with the camouflage pattern with which you are involved. That is, paintings would have no reality in your present stage of development as long as they remained simply in your mind, even to you. You are driven to give them “reality,” and put that word in quotes, through materializing them in terms of camouflage pattern. You do this to the best of your ability, but in order for the painting to have a reality in your world it must be materialized to some degree on the physical plane.

Art creation is a most basic creation then, not even a mimicking act but a genuine creation of another plane, done self-consciously from the perspective of an imprisoning camouflage pattern. Quite an achievement, therefore. It should be simple as an analogy to consider the next point, where the figure in a painting would not only have a certain consciousness for example but would have other freedoms also; and this would give you a limited conception of what is involved in the creation of other planes of more varied scope.

[... 14 paragraphs ...]

This hidden self-consciousness can also at times look out through your outer senses upon your camouflage world. At these times you get something of the same effect as when you look through a telescope, and you may think of the long tube of the telescope as the channel of the subconscious.

[... 16 paragraphs ...]

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